Part 14

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Heloooooooo there friends :o)
Here is the upd8. Sorry it took so long. This chapter I will actually be writing in sasukes point of view so this will be slightly different than usual. Anyway, have fun reading this malarkey.

It was Saturday night. Everyone was out doing things and having fun. I on the other hand was at home, like always. I didn't care much for parties or any kind of social events. People are one of the many things I can't tolerate. Though I often got invited to them by my friends, I always refuse. I don't know why they even bother asking. The answer will always be no. There's important things I have to do anyway. Like make sure Itachi doesn't drink his life away.

Things weren't always like this. Itachi used to be one of the most intelligent people I've known. He still is. Itachi was always the most mature out of both of us. Dad always gave Itachi looks of approval and praised him for being a good son. A good student. A good person. Itachi was perfect. I always looked up to my older brother in hope that I would grow up to be like him. One day it all changed though. Everything began to fall apart.

Our parents had begun to fight. I know that it's common for couples to bicker every now and then but for our parents it wasn't. If they ever did argue, we didn't know about it. I was 13 the first time I saw them actually argue. I remember it so clearly.

I went out towards the living room when I heard mom yelling at dad. At that moment, I didn't know what they were arguing about. But now I know.

I watched as dad raised his hand towards mother. I ran into the living room, screaming at him to not lay a hand on her. Itachi soon came in the room. He looked at all of us for a moment. Like he was thinking about something. I still wonder what he was thinking about back then.

Itachi came over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "otouto, let's go outside." At fist I persisted. I didn't want them to start arguing again.

"Now Sasuke." Itachi said firmly. They way he said it, I never heard Itachi use that tone of voice. Especially towards me, he never spoke to me like that before. I hesitantly went with Itachi. Even though I was thirteen, he held my hand. Like he did when we were younger. We walked together, our hands intertwined. When we reached our spot in the forest, Itachi told me something I'll never forget.

"Sasuke, there is a reason why mother and father are arguing." I felt as his hand tightened on mine.

"Sasuke, Dad has been cheating on mom. For three years. She just recently found out a week ago. They're getting a divorce." Itachi spoke like he was simply stating facts out of a book.

I shook my head. I didn't want to believe it. I tried to run away but itachis hold on me was strong. "You have to be strong Sasuke." When I looked to Itachi I saw that he was crying.
"Y-you have to be strong, for me. And for mother. Promise me Sasuke." Itachis voice broke on the last sentence. Tears were streaming down his face, but he cried silently. Trying hard to remain as composed as he could.
Back then, I didn't know that there was more behind the reason why they were divorcing. Back then I didn't know the real reason Itachi was crying like that.

"I promise." I said letting a tear slip out. I held on to my older brother tightly. "I promise." I whispered.

I sat at my desk, still thinking of the memory. I needed to take my mind off it. The last time I dwelled on the past, things got bad again. I really don't want things to get bad again.

I decided to call Naruto. I got his number a few days ago at school. I have yet to call or text him. I guess now would be a good time. I need to focus on something else anyways.

I picked up my phone and rummaged through my backpack looking for the folded piece of paper that contained narutos number. Once I found it I quickly dialed each digit.

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