Part 15

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Hello childs. I have returned with more gayness for your little hearts. Sorry I take forever to upd8. I just forget. Also, I'm not really sure what to do, because I want this to be a good story and not a crappy one, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that. I wonder why I even decided to write this shit in the first place. Ooooh well. Beware tho children, that this chapter will be short since it's pretty late at night and honestly I already feel my eyelids drooping. But I feel bad for not updating in a while so yeah. Here ya go children.

I sat on my bed lazily, another horror movie was playing on the tv in the background. My laptop was firmly placed on my stomach as I was messaging some people in a group chat. I don't usually join them whenever I'm invited because it just kinda gets awkward. For me at least.

BlondeFox9: Hey

Hyuga6969: Who the hell is the blonde fox guy?

FallenKitKat: he's my friend

TG: hey blonde fox dude

NeedyLittleHorse: hey guys have you heard from Haru? I've been looking to talk to her

TG: "needylittlehorse"

TG: very intriguing

TG: are you like a brony or some shit?

BlondeFox9: Hinata, I think I'm gonna go.

FallenKitKat: what? Why? You just joined the chat silly

BlondeFox9: I dunno. I can talk to you later

TG: why the rush, fox dude? We didn't scare you that much did we? Hah

NeedyLittleHorse: it was most likely my handle that scared him haha

NeedyLittleHorse; and Dave you know who this is, just English changed my fucking handle as a prank or some shit

TG: oh shit bro, who am I talking too? It's Egbert isn't it.

FallenKitKat: Naruto don't go I really want to talk to you

[Hyuga6969 has left the chat]

TG: whose Naruto?

FallenKitKat: he's blondefox

BlondeFox9: sorry Hinata I need to go, I have stuff to do. We'll chat later

FallenKitKat: but Naruto we haven't talked in forever

[BlondeFox9 has left the chat]

I sighed and closed my laptop. All those people we're starting to give me anxiety. I can't handle so much at once. It confuses the shit out of me.

I sat up and glanced over at the tv. A half naked woman was walking downstairs to her basement asking if Anyone was in there.  Dumbass. She's gonna die.

I groaned and pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket. No texts from Sasuke. But plenty from sai. I opened them.

Sai: Naruto I want to see you

Sai: I am worried about you Naruto. About a lot of things

Sai; I understand that we're on a break and I really want to give you as much time as you need but it's kind of hard.

Sai: please answer me Naruto I'm really worried

I felt bad. I really did. I never thought that I would do something like this. I've been hurt before and I know what it feels like. I promised that I would never cause someone to feel pain like that, or to do things to them that would cause them to feel that way. But here i am. Sneaking behind sais back with Sasuke.

I decided that now is the time. I have to tell him. And not over some stupid text.

I ran downstairs and slid on a pair of shoes before quickly walking out the door. I could here my mother ask where I was going from the kitchen but I didn't respond. I just headed straight to sais house. I know what has to be done. The longer I wait, the worse it will be for Sai.

This is probably the most lazily written chapter I've done so far. Sorry. It's so short yet it took like an hour to write that crap. Oh well frens. Next update will be better. I hope. Eheh.

A Part Of Me (Sasunaru AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon