Part 8

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Another week rolled by and things have been relatively the same. Sasuke hasn't spoken to me since the incident in the school bathroom. We have begun to avoid each other more so than usual, if that's even possible. I never know what to think of him. I often question his motives, and also I question mine.
Beside this life has been relatively the same. Sai is still Sai, I'm still me (at least I think so), nothing has really happened.

Winter has begun to roll by. As much as I love the cold, I hate rain and snow. I always wondered why people liked snow so much. Sometimes snow can be beautiful to look at. Tho whenever it snows it's never white, it just mixes with the dirt and mud and becomes a gross light brown monstrosity.

Anyway let's move on to something more interesting and suitable to talk about. Like today. Today is actually the day where something happens. Something i never would have suspected to happen,and the whole idea of it in itself blows my mind.

I was walking towards the 711 to get ice cream because even tho it feels as cold as balls outside, I want ice cream. I walk quickly across the street and pulled on my hoodie sleeves so they covered my hands. I have a habit of doing that. I walk in and feel a wave of warmth surround me.

I walk quickly towards the ice cream and have an internal debate with myself about wether I should get cookie dough flavored or Reese's. They both sound so good. I finally decided to get cookie dough and reached to grab it when I heard someone loudly whisper at the end of the aisle.

"You don't need to be buying anymore alcohol, fucking sober up for once!"

I can't help but be a bit nosy and listen to the conversation.

"I'm an adult, I can do whatever the hell I want." The other guy whispered back.

"We can't be waisting money on alcohol all the time, we need food." The other guy growled back.

"Fuck off." I heard footsteps coming slightly towards my direction so I quickly grabbed my ice cream and walked towards the counter.

There was two people in front of me, one with a six pack of beer in hand. It's probably that guy. I tried to discreetly examine this person who was the second in line. The man wore a nice fitted black t shirt and black jeans. He had long black hair tied in the back and dark eyes. Wait. I know those eyes. That guy looks like-

"Hello." The man said to me. Oh shit, he caught me staring fuckfuckfuckfuck.

"Hey." I mustered. Is it just me or did my voice slightly crack just then?

"What's your name?" He asked. His voice was seriously the hottest shit I've ever heard. It was deep and silky, but not too deep and it had a bit of a roughness to it.

"Naruto." I replied, my hand tugging on my hoodie sleeves again.

The man let a smile grace his face. "What a lovely name. Mine is Itachi." His eyes carefully looked me up and down and I suddenly felt self conscious. I didn't even bother to brush my hair.

"Nice to meet you, Itachi." I replied nervously.

Itachi looked like he was about to say something but was interrupted. "Oi, Itachi what are you doing just standing there? The person in front of you already left." I looked over to see who had spoken only to be met with a confused looking sasuke. But now I'm the one who's confused.

"I was becoming acquainted with this cutie over hear." Cutie?!

"Don't bother Itachi, he's already taken." Sasuke glared at the both of us.

"Hm, so you know this little fox, sasuke?" Itachi smirked towards sasuke. Sasuke just rolled his eyes. "Yea, whatever. Let's just go."

Itachi ignored sasuke. "Excuse my otouto's behavior, did you walk here?" Itachi asked me.

"Uh, yea?" I said. Itachi glanced toward an annoyed looking sasuke then back to me. "We would love to give you a ride home, it is much too cold to be walking out in this weather."

"Uh, no. I mean uh no thank you, I'm fine." I replied quickly. "Really, it wouldn't be any inconvenience for us." Itachi smiled.

"He said no." Sasuke interjected.

"Y-yeah it's fine, really." I answered.

Itachi sighed and walked towards me with a glint in his eyes. "I simply can't take no for an answer. You see, i wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you freeze your ass off walking home." I blushed slightly at his use of the word 'ass' and also at the close proximity.

"Um... Okay." Damnit. This is going to be fucking awkward.

To Be CoNtInUeD..... :o)

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