Part 9

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"Um... Okay." Damnit. This is going to be fucking awkward.

Sasuke let out a groan and tugged Itachi towards the counter to pay for their stuff. I waited quietly and patiently behind them. Shit, why did I say yes? I should've just turned him down flat. But being the person I am, I feel guilty saying no to people.

"I don't have another dollar, Baka. This is what you get for spending money on alcohol all the time." Itachi groaned and slowly looked towards the cashier. The cashier was a teenaged boy, looked somewhere around 17. He had long blonde hair that was half up and he had blue eyes. I watched as Itachi's smile went from friendly to seductive.

"Perhaps I could pay you with something else?" The look on Itachi's face would make every girl drop her panties. The cashier boy just blushed and opened his mouth in an 'o' shape. "U-uh I- i," Itachi raised a finger to his lips. "Shhh. You don't have to say anything, I'll do all the work."

A moment later me and sasuke were left alone to listen to moaning and groaning coming from the back room of 711. I looked at sasuke and sasuke looked at the ground with a slight blush of humiliation on his face.

I let out a cough. "Erm, that's uh, quite a brother you got there." I said. Sasuke snapped his head up and looked at me with a frown. "He is a pathetic piece of crap who needs to get his shit together." I frowned at this. It was kind of obvious that Itachi seemed to have a bit of a drinking problem. I mean, look at what he's doing just for some beer.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that." I rocked back and forth on my heels. This is so awkward. We have spent a week avoiding each other and now here we are at 711 talking about his older brother while listening to the now very loud moans coming from the back room. Where the hell is the manager?

"Tch, whatever dobe." So it's back to dobe again.

I suddenly felt slightly upset. Sasuke was lucky to have a brother, to have someone to talk to and be around. It sure as hell beats loneliness.

"Not everyone is fortunate to have family sasuke. You shouldn't always speak of your brother that way. He could be worse, trust me, I would know." I said quietly.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes at this. "Don't talk to me like you know everything. You don't. You don't know what it's like to have a brother addicted to cigarettes and beer, waisting his life away. You don't know what it's like to have to take care of someone who should be taking care of you." Sasuke frowned at me and crossed his arms.

I shook my head. It's not like Sasuke knows anything about me either. "My dad was addicted to alcohol. He died, drank his life away. He was all I had beside my mother. And I'm telling you, Itachi can go any day, and if that happens you're gonna regret all this." I looked him dead in the eyes. I thought I saw his eyes soften for a moment but then they were blank.

We didn't say anything after that. Itachi came out from the back room cool and composed while the young cashier looked like he got the wind nocked out of him. Well, he pretty much did...

Itachi looked between the both of us like he knew something was wrong. He went up to the counter and grabbed his beer with a smile. "Let's get outta here." We followed Itachi to the doors of a ghetto 711 but Itachi stopped with his hand on the door handle. Itachi turned around and gave a wink to cashier boy and said that he'd see him on the flip side. Cashier boy just smiled and said he'd be looking forward too it.

Itachi then pushed the door open and we were met by cold air. We walked towards a black 1967 Chevy Impala. "Damn where'd you get your car?" I asked. Itachi grinned. "Old friend of mine."

I gave a nod and we hopped in the car. Itachi drove and Sasuke rod shotgun. I sat quietly in the back, only speaking to give directions to my house. "Yea just turn left on bagley st.." We drove up to my house and Itachi parked in front of my driveway. "It was nice talking to you kid. See ya again?" I looked at Itachi and gave a real smile. "Yea, sure. Thanks for the ride." Itachi hopped out and opened the car door for me.

"Heh, thanks again." I said. Itachi gave a wink. "My pleasure." I shut the car door and was about to walk to my home when Itachi intercepted. "Hey, naruto. C'mere." I walked back over. I cleared my throat and shoved my hands in my pockets. "Yea?" I asked.

"Don't tell Sasuke I told you this but.. I can tell he likes you." Itachi smirked.

"Sasuke? Liking me? It's more like hate." I said.

Itachi shook his head. "A brother knows." He tapped his head with his index finger.

"Yea well. I'll see later I guess." I said. Itachi nodded. "Until next time." Itachi got back in the car and gave a little wave towards me. Sasuke just sat and stared out the window looking as gloomy as ever. I know that things will be more awkward then before after the conversation we had.

After they drove off I ran upstairs with ice cream in hand. Only when I lay in bed with a spoonful of it in my mouth did I realize. I never paid for this.

Muahaha another update for ya.
See ya on the flip side dudes ✌🏼

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