Part 5

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Another week passed by and I still haven't given my answer to Sai. We've been hanging out a lot more.  Today we're supposed to go to the movies. I forgot what we're going too see but I don't really care. I'm just happy that Sai is finally opening up to me. I don't want to lead him on tho, so I should probably figure out my true feelings for him and tell him soon, before things get messy. With all the time that we've been able to spend together I've been able to notice things about him that I didn't notice before. I notice the way his lips slightly turn up into a smile when someone cracks a joke on tv, how his eyes seem emotionless when when we're around other people, I notice how he chews on his lip when he's in deep concentration. I notice all of his little things, I notice more than the sum of his parts.

Tho not quite sure, I think I'm beginning to develop feelings for him. Is this what it feels like to really be infatuated with someone? Because if it is, I think it's starting to swarm around in my stomach a bit. It's hard to understand how I feel, even harder to try and explain those feelings. All I know is that he is him, I am me, we're here together, and for once I don't want to go home.

Maybe I'm overthinking everything, maybe I'm not. Maybe it's just some little crush that's forming Inside me or maybe this is seriously the start of my downfall. Either way, I don't mind it.

Sai and I were buying popcorn in the theater lobby. We still had 15 more minutes until the movie began so we decided to just hang out and talk for a bit. "I never knew you liked horror Sai." I said. Sai nodded his head and turned to look at me. "Yeah, I like the excitement of it I guess." I smiled. "Aye me too." We both high-fived each other giggling like idiots. "So, how has school been, I hope you're still passing your classes naru." I smiled at the nickname, tho wondered what could've caused him to ask about my grades. "I am, trust me. I got like, all F's." I smirked, with my sarcasm beaming out of each of my words. Sai turned to me and hit my arm. "Naruto..." He glared playfully. I just hit him back. "What? I'm just kidding" I laughed. Sai rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "You better be."

We sat talking to each other for a bit till I suddenly had the urge to take a piss. "Yea, hold that thought, I gotta go pee." I said jumping up. "Okay" Sai smiled.

I ran to the bathroom and went to the closest urinal. I held back a loud sigh when I heard someone else come into the bathroom, I always felt uncomfortable going to the bathroom in front of others. I mean it just a bunch of guys with their dicks out standing next to each other.

It's a bit fucking awkward. I finished going pee and went to wash my hands. I quickly walked past the person who entered, not noticing who they were at first. I began to wash my hands feeling the warm water cover my skin and cascade down from my fingers.

After I placed my hands under the electric dryer I heard footsteps come towards my general direction.. I was still standing there when the person who entered the bathroom earlier began to wash their hands. When I glanced over at who it was I felt like bolting out the bathroom. It was Sasuke-fucking-Uchiha. I froze a bit hoping we wouldn't turn his head, yet of course that is exactly what happened and I groaned as he noticed me.

you know how people in anime's try to get their Senpai to notice them? Now was not one of those times. Also I don't even think he would be considered my senpai since we're in the same grade.

Sasuke just smirked at me. What the hell is his dumb ass smirking at me for? My face was mixture between looking uneasy and constipated. And he just stood there, hands underneath the faucet and head turned in my direction in an unabashed manner.

I raised an eyebrow at him. When the dryer for my hands turned off I didn't even notice. Sasuke turned off the water and walked over to me, flicking his wet hands at my face. I squinted as the little drops of water hit my face. Sasuke began to laugh as I planned my attack.

I walked over to him and raised my foot to kick him. Before I could tho, he caught my ankle with his hand. "Nice try, loser." He said and laughed again. "God dammit Sasuke, what is your problem?" I glared. His dark eyes met mine and the smile dropped from his face.
"You're the problem." He spoke like it was the most obviously answer.

I felt myself get angrier. I'm the problem? I'm THE PROBLEM?!?! "What did I ever do to you?" I tugged my leg out of his grip. "Are you this rude to everyone or did you just take it upon yourself to hate me especially?" I glared so hard my face began to hurt. All my muscles were tense. I'm done, I'm so done with this guy. He has absolutely no reason to hate me so much. I wasn't going to let him act like a stuck up prick towards me anymore.

Sasuke looked down for a second then looked back up with a glare. "You don't even know what you do to me, do you?"

He looked me in the eyes with something I couldn't decipher. I scoffed. "Oh I'm sorry that I acciDENTALLy ran into you, are you that petty that you're gonna hate me for it forever?"

Sasuke was about to say something when Sai walked in. He looked at me worriedly and then his glance met Sasuke.

"Is everything okay Naruto? I heard you yelling from outside." Sai walked over to me and examined me closely like a mother checking for scratches and bruises. "Actually no, I'm not okay." I said glaring at Sasuke again.

"Stop being a drama queen." Sasuke snapped. I noticed Sai's eyes harden as he turned to look at Sasuke. "You better never hurt Naruto and I better never hear of you doing so."

Sasuke looked offended before brushing it away with his cool facade.
He crossed his arms and smirked. "Heh, what, are you his boyfriend or something?" I looked to Sai as he calmly replied. "Actually, Yes I am."

Sasukes smirk fell and his face turned to a glare. My eyes widened as I began to realize what Sai just said.

"C'mon Naruto." Sai dragged me out the bathroom. As he tugged me past Sasuke, I met his eyes, and to my surprise Sasuke looked away, almost as if he was hurt.
We continued walking till we got to where Sai left our stuff. Sai continued to drag me but I stopped him before he could open the door to our movie. "Sai?" I looked him in the eyes trying too see why he was still so worked up. I know what just happened was tense and shit but was it really that big of a deal? 
Sai just frowned. "We're going to be late for the movie." Sai dragged us both in to watch the movie that I knew I wouldnt be able to focus on after what just happened. Ever since Sasuke showed up in my life, things have been turned upside down.



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