2nd December

52 4 2

Today is such a beautiful day. I'm sitting on my balcony in my garden behind my house here in Barcelona, as my beautiful wife comes out the door.

We have been married for two years already but in summer we married once again in a church in Sevilla. Raquel has been nothing but the best what has ever happened to me.

She has already gifted me a wonderful daughter, Althea. I can't believe it that she is already two years old. And now we are becoming parents a second time.

The moment Raquel told me, I felt like the happiest man alive. I love my family and I'm so happy that it is going to grow.

"Are you ready?" We planned to go shopping today since we still need some things before our second child arrives. "Sure." I quickly get ready and we leave for the city.

Luckily the fans here in Barcelona aren't as bothersome as they were in Germany as I played for Schalke. I'm happy here in Barcelona, also I feel honoured to play for the best team there is right now.

But still I have many friends back in Sevilla from when I played there. That's also the reason why Raquel and I decided to marry there.

"So where do you want to go?" I ask her as we are sitting in my Audi making our way to the city centre. "Well I still need some clothes for this little boy inside here."

She pokes her stomach and I lay my hand above hers. I love to see my wife pregnant. It's just another sign that she belongs to me. The baby is an outcome of our never ending love.


"Oh my god see, he is playing for FC Barcelona." Raquel only laughs next to me. The whole day fans have been flabbergasted as they saw me. I always say that there are two kind of fans.

The one who are screaming and literally jumping on you and then there are the ones who are just staring too afraid of saying hello or asking for a picture.

I don't know which group of fans I like more because both creep me out. Currently we are inside one of these cute shops which sell baby clothes. I find them so adorable.

And to think that in some months I will be holding my little son in my arms is amazing. I just love children and even more if they are my own.

"Look, don't you think this is perfect for our son." I ask my wife as I find a cute bodysuit with a writing on it, which says:

"My dad is a champion!" "Absolutely." Raquel laughs as she goes over and kisses me on my lips. But instead of going back looking for clothes she leans in.

"Go over to there. They have been staring at you for minutes. Just talk to them. I'm sure they won't be bothersome." I absolutely love my wife.

She is always so kind to my fans and doesn't mind when I'm taking longer to talk to them or something like that. She always supports me, comes to every match she can and is just like always there for me.


"Hey, guys. Do you want pictures or anything?" They aren't answering, just staring. But I don't mind, since I know I would be the same if one of my favourite celebrity was standing in front of me.

"Don't worry. I'm just a normal guy. So are you too playing football?"

I ask the two boys. It seems, they are getting more relaxed and now they at least nod at my question. "Great. So what about that picture?" We take some selfies.

Some silly ones and some smiley ones. I love my fans and I would do anything to make them happy. "Can I ask you a question?" The smaller one of the two of them asks me with a quiet voice.

"Sure." I smile down at him. "How does it feel playing in Camp Nou? Are you afraid of all these people watching you?"

I smile. That has also been the question I wanted to ask the footballers when I was little.

"You know at first I was, but as soon as I hear the whistle I only concentrate on the game and how I can help my friends and teammates to win the game." Luckily the boy seems happy with my answer.

"And how do you feel after still being one of the players running for the Ballon D'or? I mean aren't you the only Croatian on the list?"

"It's absolutely amazing even though I don't think I really have a chance, I mean there is only one man left for the shortlist, since Messi and Ronaldo will be the other two anyway.

And after this amazing year I'm certain that Messi will win it this year. At least that's what I hope.

It also makes me very proud to know that I'm the only Croatian left on the list."

These two are such cuties. I shake hands with them and go back inside the shop. "And how was it?" I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Nice, they were really cute. Thank you for making me notice them in the first place."

We continue shopping for our son after driving back home to our baby girl.

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