9th December

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Today was my first game with the first team of BVB. It was amazing to stand on the same pitch as Aubameyang and Reus.

Even though I want to do nothing but celebrating with my teammates, family and my lovely girlfriend, I have to do some interviews first.

I make my way to the conference room after taking a much needed shower. Some of the reporters greet me as I sit down in the front.

I'm curious what they want to talk about but I hope that they will do it quickly. "So does it feel like to be here in Dortmund after playing for 1860 Munich for such a long time?"

I smile since I always like to think back to my time in Bayern. Oh too funny, I speak like an old man even though I have only left Munich for like a month.

"I'm happy to be here it has always been a dream of mine to play alongside with superstars like Marco and Auba. And the fans are just so amazing and the only worry I had was that I didn't want to disappoint them."

Some of the reporters laugh before someone asks me the next question.

"So you are wearing the shirt if the number 33 on it. Does it have a special meaning to you, or why did you choose it?" I laugh, why is everyone so interested in my shirt number?

"Not really, I just saw that this number was free and it's a cool number so I chose it." Once again my answer earned me some laughs.

"What do you think whenever the press write about you as a rising star? You are only 19 years and already you have been captain of 1860 Munich and now you are playing for the first team of Borussia Dortmund."

How to answer that? I don't know myself how I feel about all of this.

I think I don't even comprehend everything that is going around me. I just live day by day and concentrate on my work, even though some might say my life isn't that hard, I have to tell them they are wrong.

I have to concentrate during every single training session and every match, one little mistake could not only lose me my starting position but also the team's win.

"Honestly, I don't know. But I think I can be proud that I have already achieved so much, but still I want to achieve more. I want to continue bringing good performances.

You spoke about my time as a captain in Munich and I have to say it's very difficult to carry such a responsibility so soon and I'm happy that I don't have to carry it here in Dortmund.

But still I think in football every player has to carry a different kind of responsibility and I hope that I'm ready to do just that."

As I look up at the clock I see how much time has already past. It's amazing how time just flies by when you talk about something you like. Someone announces that there is only time left for one question.

"You are playing as midfielder, same position as you had in Munich. So my question is if you have or had any idol you were always looking up too. Watching every single detail to get better."

"I actually did and I'm happy that now I'm able to say that I'm playing in the same team as him. Ever since I was a little child I have admired Sven Bender. By this time he too played for 1860 Munich, same as his twin brother Lars. But it has always been Sven who amazed me.

Today I'm playing in the same position as he does and sure we are competitors for the starting position but I'm still watching him during trainings to learn more from him."

The reporters thank me for my time before leaving the conference room. I stay seated trying to process everything that has happened today.

First I played my first game for BVB, experienced the great atmosphere in the Signal Iduna Park and now I gave this big press conference. I hear some people talking and as I look up I see some guys from the team standing in the far back of the conference room.

I laugh as they laugh back, but suddenly Sven himself lifts his arms like the reporters did just minutes ago whenever they wanted to ask me a question.

"So mister, first of all I have to say that I feel flattered to be your idol. But just so you know copying another player is not good and you will never get my position."

He talks really seriously but his big smiles gives him away. We all burst out laughing and leave the room to go out partying.

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