21st December

15 2 0


„I would like to say I'm happy to see you again, but actually I'm not." It has always been a joke between my lawyer and me.

I know I should feel remorseful right now, but why should I, it was just a trick I played, nothing serious.

Sure, I haven't planned it to become public to the world, but come on everyone needs a laugh one day.

I don't understand why everyone is freaking out, hell they even want to imprison me and through me out of the team.

Luckily the head of Real Madrid aren't as stupid as all the other people. Okay they are not happy either, but at least they don't yell profanities at me like the few people outside of the office did.

It was just a video, okay it showed one of my teammates of the French national team being in bed with his girlfriend. "So Karim what do you say."

I stay quiet. "Well I know what to say. It won't be easy for you. Mister Valbuena is really set on getting you into prison."

I want to object but my lawyer seems to know me too well.

"Don't even think about it, I know you want to tell me that you didn't do anything wrong and I really believe you, but this won't help us in court.

Especially after the cause during the World Cup in South Africa they won't just let you go. I have already told you back then that you should be careful.

You are a freaking footballer and you know very well that the press is always looking into your matters."

"I really didn't do anything wrong."

"I know but they don't know it, and even though you just wanted to tell your friend about the video, it was just the wrong moment so now you are suspected of being part of the blackmailing."

Ugh I hate it. Always is everyone telling me what to do and what not to. I absolutely hate it. I know that it wasn't the right thing to do, but it was a joke. Okay, just a joke.

Nothing more. And now here I am, after a horrible night in prison I'm standing in front of my lawyer getting lectured. "Oh and just for your information you got suspended from the national team too."

Well okay. It's not like I don't care, but it doesn't make me angry either.

I have never been a big fan of France ever since they were so hateful to both me and Franck Ribery after the World Cup in South Africa where we hooked up with some prostitute.

I still don't know why everybody cares so much, I'm a normal human too. And this right now was just a harmless joke.

Valbuena and I have been good friends for such a long time, I didn't think it would become that serious.

I tell my lawyer just what I think and luckily she understands me.

I'm really happy to have her since I'm not sure if everyone would just believe me and even though my excuse is really sorry, nonetheless it is the truth.

She tries her best to defend me in court and I'm sure she will manage it. At least that's what I hope.

"So we will see each other again in court, please be on time and please don't do anything crazy tonight. We really can't have any more bad news about you in the newspaper till tomorrow."

I only nod and leave the house. I just hope that the boss of Real Madrid won't suspend me too. I really like playing for the team and it would absolutely crush me if I were to be benched.

"Thank you for everything." We shake hands before I put my hood back on and leave the office.

I really don't want any paparazzi to find me right now, I just want to go home quickly and prepare myself for tomorrow.

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