6th December

22 1 1

I really have changed since I have come to Madrid last year, at least that's what my wife Daniela says. Yes I have found new friends and maybe I have gone out more.

Especially with Cristiano I have done some dumb things. Just some months ago we were in the news since we partied the whole night before a game and then lost it.

But guess what, I don't care what everyone is talking about me and neither does anyone else who is part of the team. Today Cristiano planned to spend the afternoon together.

Since we don't have anything to do we will probably just chill at his place. As soon as I park my car in front of his house, better said mansion, he opens the door immediately to greet me.

"Hey, come in. How about we play some FIFA?" I only laugh and follow him to the living room. It's always like that whenever we spend time together.

But after playing two hours straight we are bored and think about what to do. "Maybe we can go to the cinema?" "Nah, too many people." It's quiet again. "Oh I know it." Now I'm afraid.

I know this expression on Cristiano's face and whenever he wears it something bad happens. Funny, but bad. "Do I really want to know what's going on in your mind right now?" We both laugh.

"How about we disguise ourselves and go around the city and ask people what they know about us. Let's see who is more famous."

See that's what I meant. Sure it will be funny but two famous footballers who are playing for Real, in the middle of the city of Madrid. Anyway we decide to go to the city.

I'm wearing a baseball cap and also a pair of sunglasses, same with Cristiano. I don't know what he wants to do exactly so I just wait and see what he does. As if it was the most normal thing in the world he goes over to a group of girls.

"Hey. I'm sorry to disturb you but we want to see how many people know Real's players. So do you mind me asking you some questions?"

Since the girls only look at his muscles I don't think they got anything he said. I try very hard not to laugh. "So first how many players do you know?" The girls don't utter a single word.

"Wait, isn't this hottie playing for Real." "You mean the star striker from Portugal?" Cris looks hopeful. "No, I'm pretty sure he comes from Colombia."

That's my undoing. I break out in a loud laughter. Never, and I mean never have I witnessed Cristiano looking so down as he does right now. I laugh even harder.

She just told him that I'm hotter than Cristiano and that straight into his face. Best day ever. I go over to her and kiss her cheek.

"Well thank you for the compliment, sweetie." She is shocked as I pull of my sunglasses and the cap. "Oh wow. Can I have a picture with you?" I agree immediately.

And I'm smiling extra wide as I see Cristiano still standing next to them looking completely dumbfounded. After taking some pictures with the girls we continue our way through the city.

As we see a group of guys this time we agree on talking to them. But this time we put off our caps beforehand.

At first the boys look shocked as we go straight to them, but luckily they don't freak out.

"Hey, do you mind if we ask you some questions. We bet who is more known around the city, so know we want to know."

Everyone laughs but I guess Cris and I are kind of known for being silly sometimes. Still they all just shrug their shoulders.

"So first, what do you know about me?" I smile, hoping that they don't know too much about Cris.

I mean he is world famous especially after winning the Ballon D'or again last year. "You won the Ballon D'or last year and you also scored the most goals in La Liga." Well if that is all they know about him, I still have a chance to win.

"Oh and you have a son who is named after you." Once again Cristiano looks shocked. Well guess what you aren't as famous as you think. "Is that all?"

Everyone nods shyly. I laugh. "And what about me?" The third guy who hasn't talked so far is answering this time.

"You are from Colombia obviously. You have won the Puskas award last year for your goal at the World Cup. You have a beautiful wife named Daniela who is mighty fine, sorry to say this."

I laugh since I know that he doesn't mean it. Daniela is my wife and nobody will ever change this. "And you have a daughter named Salome. You also were topscorer at the World Cup last year."

I look at Cris. "I think I have won, don't you think." I laugh at his face.

This day was amazingly funny once again.

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