13th December

17 1 0

I have been a nurse for three years already. But I only started working here in Buenos Aires last week. It has always been a wish of mine to live in Argentina, especially Buenos Aires.

Many think that I want to live here only to meet one of the famous footballers who live here, but it isn't like that. I'm not even interested in football so I don't even know a single player.

I just like the city and the people living here. Everyone is so laid back and friendly whenever I'm going anywhere. Buenos Aires is just perfect.

Today has been a quiet day, only some minor injuries like some broken bones and people with flues or something like that.

Sure I'm happy that nothing terrible like a car crash happened, but it is also a little bit boring to just sit around the whole day.

There is only one hour of my shift left as people come rushing through the door. A man in sport clothes is laying on the stretcher.

He has dark brown hair and his face is twisted with pain. Immediately my long training sets in and I rush over there. "What's wrong?" "Footballer, he got a terrible blow against his right foot. Suspicion of hamstring injury."

I just nod and begin to push the stretcher into the next emergency room. I'm only a nurse but it is my duty to look after the patient till the doctor arrives.

The footballer seems to be in terrible pain so I get some painkillers. Since I don't have anything else to do I can be at his side and make sure everything is fine.

"You okay? Can I do anything for you?" He only shakes his head. "No thank you but do you know how long the doctor will take?"

I smile. But as he opens his eyes I paralyzed. They are a deep brown colour. Absolutely mesmerizing. But I can't forget my job. "S...sure." Immediately I leave the room.


The suspicions were right. The footballer has an injured hamstring. He has been sulking the last few days since the doctor told him that he won't be able to play for his team for about one month.

It must be hard to not be able to do what you love. I also feel bad since nobody has visited him so far. "You okay?"

It has become a habit of mine to visit him first thing in the morning and spend time with him whenever I can. Surprisingly he smiles at me this morning.

"Yes, thank you." I give him his breakfast after leaving again to serve the other patient's too. After I finished my breakfast duty I go back to the footballer's room.

He is quite funny and I try to cheer him up as I'm asking him about his family and job. "So are you married?" I don't know how to interpret his look and face. "I was."

I immediately regret asking him. "No, don't worry it was a happy marriage her name is Giannina Maradona." Maradona, isn't that one of this famous footballers here in Argentina.

"Yes you guessed right she is Diego Maradona's daughter. We were married for about four years and she gifted me a perfect little son. Benjamin was born in 2009 and I'm so happy to have him."

A smile played on his lips. "So why hasn't he visited you so far?"

"Oh, they are back in England, Manchester to be exact. This is where I'm playing. I'm only here to play the qualifying matches for the World Cup 2018 with Argentina. Or better said, was."

Quickly I try to distract him. "So are you playing for United or City?" Sure I'm not a big football fan but I know some teams.

"City. After playing for Atletico Madrid, I transferred in 2011 and I absolutely love it in England. Have you ever been in England?" I shake my head. I never really found time to leave South America for that matter.

"You should. Maybe you could visit me someday. You could live in my house, since I feel so alone most of the time anyway." I laugh.

"You only know me for what, two days? And you are already inviting me to come to England with you?" I break out in a fit of laughter.

"Well you are the only one who is treating like a normal man for a long time. And I feel like I have known you for longer than two days. So yes, I'm inviting you to come to England with me."

If you ask me he is like a little child even though he is already 27.

"So are you one of those who score the goals or do you try to keep the other players away from the goal?" This time he is the one laughing. "You mean if I'm a forward or a defender." I only nod sheepishly.

"You don't need to be embarrassed not everyone must be a pro at football. But since you were asking I'm a forward, so I'm scoring the goals.

I'm even second on the ranking for top scorer in the premier league right now. But I guess this will change quickly as I'm not going to play the next few weeks."

He looks so sad that I want to hug him. You know what, I will do just that.

So I stand up from the chair I was sitting in and hug him tightly. "Everything will be fine, I'm sure. And you will come back even stronger."

"Thank you for everything." To my utter surprise he lets loose and suddenly his lips find mine.

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