3rd December

44 3 2

She is walking down the aisle in this wonderful white dress. Everyone is gaping at her. She looks like an angel and I'm proud to finally be able to say that she is mine.

We have been together for seven years. We have known each other since we were born. We have always played together and my heart broke when she moved to Barcelona with her family.

It has always been my dream to follow her to Spain but I never had the money to buy a ticket. She has always been my encouragement.

She is the reason why I became a footballer. She is the reason why I practiced with the ball hundreds of hours to become good enough for European scouts to notice me.

When I got my first contract for Ajax I was over the moon. Finally my dreams have become true and I was in Europe, but still I wanted to be in Spain. So the very first weekend I bought a ticket and flew over to my Sofia.

After my time in Amsterdam I transferred to England. The time at Liverpool was great, especially since I finally had Sofia by my side. She gifted me two children.

Both Delfina and Benjamin are absolute sweethearts, just like their mother. And now this wonderful woman is walking directly to me in a white dress. As she reaches me we both turn to the priest.


I'm happy that every one of my family came to our wedding. They didn't mind the long way from Uruguay to Spain and just happily flew over here.

We are dancing, we are laughing, we are drinking. Luckily the season has already ended.

And it has been one hell of a season. I'm proud to say that I'm part of the most successful trident there is and has ever been.

I helped my team not to only win the La Liga, but also the Copa del Rey, Champions League and the UEFA Super Cup.

This year has been great so far and now marrying the love of my life made it even better. I don't think anything can overtrump this day or even this year.

I can't dance but still I'm enjoying our first dance as a married couple. I hold Sofia tight. But our happy bubble doesn't last long as our children come running our way.

We lift both up and continue dancing with them. My little family, I'm just so happy.

What Sofia doesn't know is that we are going to leave for our honeymoon, which we will spend on Mauritius, in just about an hour.

But first I want to speak some words to our guests, so I go over to the DJ and he stops the music.

"Good evening everyone. First of all I want to thank every single one of you to coming to Sofia's and my wedding. Ever since I have first met Sofia, I knew that she is the one.

When she left for Barcelona it broke my heart but it also encouraged me to train even harder to become a famous footballer.

But I think you all know our story by now, so I don't want to bother you with it once again. I want to thank my wonderful wife, for being there with me through thick and thin.

You have been there with me when the press all over the world wanted me to be banished from footballer.

You have been there for me during the horrible time I wasn't allowed to play football at all, after the World Cup last year.

But most importantly you didn't give up on us when you were all the way in Europe while I was still in Uruguay."

I look up and see that Sofia is not the only one with tears in her eyes. Nearly everyone is emotional right now, I guess this is what a wedding does to you.

"Sofia, you haven't only been by my side since I can remember, but you also gifted me two beautiful and perfect children.

And after marrying me today I'm the happiest man alive and I don't think this will ever change. So thank you."

I step down of the stage and go over to wrap my arms around my wife. I kiss her like it is going to be our last one. But in fact it will be the first of many to come.

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