11th December

23 1 4


Finally. Finally, I have a day off all of these annoying press conferences, advertisement and photo shootings. Sure I love being famous but I want some peace too.

After Irina left me I don't even have a hot wife to come home to. Sure I have my son, Junior, who I really love but I want a beautiful girl by my side too. Right now I'm lying here on the beach in Portugal.

I decided to spend my free time with my family at home and here I am. Behind my sunglasses I scan the area for hot girls, I mean who doesn't want to be my girlfriend.

Finally, after endless minutes of just lying there I see one. She has long brown hair and just the perfect curves. I quickly get up before she can go away again.

"Hello beautiful lady." She turns around and smiles but it quickly vanishes as she sees me standing in front of her. "Yeah, no."

And just as quickly she turns back around and goes away. But if you know me I don't ever get rejected, so I follow her.

"C'mon. Every girl would love to get to talk to me and now I'm talking to you. Girls would kill to be you right now."

I smile smugly at her, but I guess she isn't like any other girls since she doesn't even look at me, just turns around and goes away. Once again. Slowly I get frustrated with her.

Why am I doing this? But as I look at her I know why, she is fucking beautiful. "I'm sorry, can we start all over?"

I ask when I stop in front of her so that she can't run away from me again. "I don't know what got into me but I want to apologise. Maybe over a coffee over there?"

I point at the little café behind me. Luckily the amazing girl in front of me nods hesitantly. From then on I want to do everything right so I try to be very gentleman like.

I take the chair out for her and let her sit down before doing the same. "So may I know your name?" She still looks a little bit angry but at least she isn't glaring at me anymore.

"Isabella." "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Guess what, the glare is back. "Sorry, sorry." I apologise immediately.


"So how is it playing for one of the best teams, Real Madrid?" Ah, so she does know who I am. At least something. "Good, I mean I'm the star of the club, so I can do whatever I want."

"Cocky much, don't you think it's unfair to your teammates. When all you do is partying, drinking and doing what you want whenever you want while they are training hard to get in the starting eleven. And still you earn the most money, the most fame, and all the prices."

Now I'm offended. I know I'm not the best idol for little children, but never, and I mean never has ever said that I'm not a good player, that I don't deserve the prices I have won and win all the time.

"Well that's new to me. You know just a year ago I got the golden ball for best footballer and now you little girl tell me that I'm not a good footballer. Thank you for telling me, I think I will just find another passion."

But before I can stand up she grips my arm.

"Hey, don't go now. It's just what I heard about you. Maybe you aren't that bad, but we normal people only ever see what the press writes and the pictures you post. And there you can only ever see the party boy, the one who just takes advantage of his fame all the time."

I'm shocked, is this really how people see me?

"Yes, before you ask that's exactly how everyone thinks you are like. It's just that when you compare Lionel Messi to you, like most of them do, you look like a bad boy."

I sigh. I have known this before but still it's worse when someone says it directly to your face. "Thank you for telling me. So let's talk about something else."

We both smile even though everything Isabella just told me still bothers me deep inside.


So and here I am today, three months after this interesting meeting on the beach in Portugal. I look out at the garden which is located behind my house in Madrid.

Watching my boy playing with my beautiful girlfriend in the pool.

Man, how I love Isabella. I have fallen for her the moment she told me her honest opinion, since she has been the only one who has done that for a long, long time.

I smile and realize that I'm completely happy.

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