24th December

18 1 2


Information: He has told us who was his childhood idol, which is his favourite singer and the food he likes the most.

If you would like to know what is his dream or what it means for him to play for Barca, don't miss this interview.

We continue with our Quickfire Questions to the players of the first team, with one of our biggest stars.

In this video, you'll be able to know much more about the tastes and preferences of the Brazilian player and you'll be able to have a better idea about his personality. You can't miss it!

I: Childhood idol?

P: Robinho.

I: Best goal of your career?

P: The one against Flamengo, I was in Santos.

I: Favourite music group?

P: I like my friend "Thiaginho".

I: Your favourite dish?

P: What I like the most is a Brazilian dish. Arroz feijao (rice and beans, meat and potatoes.

I: Your favourite place in Barcelona?

P: My house.

I: Still or sparkling water?

P: Still.

I: Travel to the future or remember the past?

P: It depends on the moment, at times it's good to travel to the future.

I: Cats or dogs?

P: Dogs.

I: A dream you still have to fulfil?

P: To score with a bicycle-kick.

I: Cards or parchis (a Spanish board game)?

P: Cards.

I: If you weren't a footballer, what would you have been?

P: A singer.

I: Advice that you'll remember?

P: From my mum: believe in God.

I: Who would you like to have a selfie with?

P: Will Smith.

I: What does Barca mean to you?

P: A dream. For me to play in Barcelona.

(It's an actual interview on the website of FC Barcelona, so yes I did kind of copy it, but I just thought it would be a good idea :) I hope you don't mind.)

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