7th December

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As soon as I hear my alarm ringing, I'm pissed. Don't get me wrong I'm normally really excited when I have training session.

For me it's an honour to get to work with the world's best footballer. Cristiano. I was so happy when I got the call that Real wanted me.

Immediately I packed all my things and booked the first flight from Munich to Madrid. But today I don't have training and also no match, no I have a charity event today.

I don't even know what it is about. But what I do know is that Nico Rosberg is going to be there too.

We are good friends. It's funny since he is a big fan of Bayern and also the German national team and after us winning the world cup we met up on some occasions and he is a real cool and chill guy.

Even though I'm not that interested in Formula 1 I follow the results to know how Nico is doing in the championship. Last year he really was followed by bad luck.

And if you ask me it's the same this year. But this is another good feature of him. No matter how unfair the result is, he is always positive and just tries to win the next race.


So I finally found out that this charity event is for children refugees in Germany. Luckily I have already been in Germany otherwise I would have had to fly there first.

"Hey Nico!" I greet the racer as soon as I see him sitting on one of the tables.

Luckily it is also where I'm seated so I can spend the evening with him. We are joking, laughing and just talking about our families as we suddenly get called up to the stage.

Damn it, I forgot that both Nico and I have to do an interview at the faces of the new campaign. I don't like interviews. They are always asking the same old questions and you can't even say anything to them because this will come out rude.

At least I will have Nico by my side today so it won't be that bad after all. "Good evening gentlemen. I'm happy that you found time to come here today. Especially you how has been your flight from Madrid?"

See that's what I mean, nobody cares how my flight was, they only want to spend their money and drink some alcohol. "Good, good. Thank you." "So, my first question goes to you anyway.

Last year you together with the rest of the national team won the world cup. Has anything changed? I mean you are playing in a team with players like Cristiano Ronaldo or James Rodriguez.

Do they treat you anything different, than they did before the world cup?" I laugh. This is such a stupid question, but still they ask it again and again.

"No, we don't usually talk about our national teams when we are training or spending time together. We all just concentrate on Real. Sure it was hard to win against Cristiano in Brazil, since we are good friends but I guess this is football."

Same questions, same answers.

"So I have heard that you married your long-time girlfriend Jessica Farber in June. How is the married life?" I laugh. I mean what does she think? That I will say that it's horrible and that I want a divorce.

"Good. I'm the happiest man alive and it was really beautiful especially since it was only a small wedding with just our friends and family there." She smiles.

"One last question about your private life. How is your boy Leon?" Normally Jessica and I don't want anything written about our son but I think answering this one question won't do any bad.

"He is perfectly fine. I love spending time with him and I try to do so whenever I can." She nods before turning to Nico. "You have become a father too not so long ago."

Even though it's more a statement than a question he is nice enough to answer it. "Yes Alaia was born in August and she is one energetic girl." The whole room laughs.

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