16th December

15 3 0


Today is the day. After coaching Chelsea for seven years with interruptions, I will train my new team for the first time today.

I'm excited to meet all the new players, maybe get even better at coaching, since you know I learn from them just as much as they do from me.

I have never been a great player but as a coach I'm one of the best. I have trained teams like Inter Milan, Real Madrid and now FC Chelsea. I have even been in Barcelona, but there I only worked as Co-Coach.

I love football and sports in general, that's why I even studied sports at the university in Lisbon.

"Good morning everyone. Today I don't want to train too much, just a little bit so I can see where you all are standing and I can make the perfect program for you.

But first let me say some words to you. I know that I have already coached some of you so you know that I'm kind to you as long as you are to me.

I will treat every single one of you with respect, but I want you to give everything in every single game and training. I want you to play every game as if it were your last one.

I don't ever want you to come in the changing room looking all fresh and happy, because this is a sign for you not doing your job.

In football everyone has to give his best so that the team can win, if only a single one doesn't play at his best there is a chance for the other team to win and we all don't want that."

Now that I see that I have everyone's attention, I relax a little bit since I don't want them to be afraid of me on the first day already.

"One last thing if you ever feel that you are not ready to give your best out there just come to me and tell me, so that I can give another player the chance to be in the starting eleven."

This may sound strict to them but it's just the best for the team.

"Oh and if you ever need a free day because of your family or something, you know where to find me.

I totally understand it since I have two children myself. Don't be afraid of talking to me."

With that I begin my first training session with my new team.

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