10th December

22 2 0


No matter how long I try my tie just doesn't look like I want it to.  Sure I'm nervous even though I know that I shouldn't.

It's just a dinner with my lovely wife Lisa. She finally came back after her time at the horse ranch which she is head of at.

I still remember the first time I saw her, riding on a horse on the same way as I always go running when I'm home at my parent's house. She rode by me and Lisa looked like a goodness on her beautiful horse.

And now eight years later we are already married for six years and still as happy as ever. Tonight is our anniversary so I decided to take her out on a dinner.


"I love you so much." I tell her over the table as the waiter sets down the heavenly smelling food in front of us. Lisa just smiles in and we dig in.

"So how are the new players?" I laugh since I know very well that Lisa doesn't even know who the new players are but still it's nice for her to be interested.

"Well Arturo is a great guy, but I have known that before. He is really chill and always good for a laugh. Douglas is a typical Brazilian, always dancing, laughing and singing."

We both laugh since we know very well how crazy Brazil can be, after spending the whole summer over in the South American country during the World Cup.

Now when I think back I don't think I would have been able to play so well if she hasn't been there with me all the way. And see where I'm now, World Cup Champion. Such an amazing year this was.

"Isn't there also a new French player?" So I guessed wrong, she actually knows something about my teammates.

"Yes, Kingsley Coman he is pretty chill too but I don't have so much to do with him since he is only 19 years old, and he spends most of the time with the other young players."

We talk some more, about our wedding, our friends and some future plans. "So do you know what you want to do now that your contract will soon expire?"

Lisa is always asking me, but I don't mind because I know how horrible it must be for her when she doesn't know where we will live in some months' time.

"Lisa, you know I will always talk with you before I decide anything, but I don't want to leave the FC Bayern Munich. I have been here my whole life and I'm Bavarian and you and all my friends are here, so why should I leave?"

"But Bastian left too, are you sure you don't even think about transferring?" I lean forward to take her hand in mine. I don't want her to worry.

"Honey, sure sometimes I think the same as Bastian did before he went to England. It would be nice to experience new things, live in another country, play for another club, but I'm happy here. And most importantly you are here and I know how much the ranch means to you."

I look at her lovingly. I love her so damn much and I would be lost without her. Lisa is just the perfect wife for me, she is goofy just like me but she can also be very concerned when needed.

After some minutes of us just staring into each other's eyes. I decided to finally tell her. "And that's why I extended my contract for another four years."

I can't even think that fast as she jumps out of her seat and hugs me tightly. "Oh my god you are making me so happy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

We kiss feverishly before sitting back down and continuing eating. I'm glad that Lisa is happy with my decision, even though I didn't speak it through with her.

But still I have the feeling something is wrong with her. It's not her expression, since she is constantly smiling but she is fiddling with her fingers which is normally a sign over nervousness.

Because whenever she worries about something she begins to fiddle with her fingers. "Lisa," I take her hand in mine once again, "what's wrong? You know, you can tell me anything."

She looks down not meeting my eyes. I'm frightened, what's wrong with her. Maybe something happened to her parents or something. I really hope not.

"I'm pregnant."

Oh my god, no, what shall we do. Wait. What? I widen my eyes and look at her shocked. "Yes, I'm pregnant, we are going to be parents."

Now I'm the one to jump out of my seat and quickly pick her up to hold her tightly to me. What a wonderful evening. And it just showed me once more, that she is the one for me.

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