Chapter 6🖤

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Chapter 6 (obviously) lol

I stared at Mrs. Lachowski with a tight smile on my face. Dylan shook his head making it look like he was about to die. "No, we're not dating," we told her simultaneously. She had a mischievous smile on her face. "You so are." Next thing we knew she was hollering for Dylan's father. I wanted to scream, yell even.

"Honey, our sons found a girl!" She yelled. Footsteps were heard, as a man appeared. He looked around until his eyes settled on me. "Finally! Fran I'd never thought this would happen in a million years!" How could he think that? His sons hot!

"Dad," Francisco said sternly, a blush forming on his cheeks. "What's wrong son? I was only telling the truth," he chuckled. I giggled at that. "Whatever," he muttered. "Don't worry Franny, nobody can embarrass you." I pinched his cheek, and for effect I kissed it too, making his face turn a shade of pink.

"Awe, I need a picture! Sweetie, could you get the camera?" She asked, cheekily. He handed it to her and I kissed Francisco's cheek while hugging him. "This is going into the family album," she squealed.

"Yep, make sure you give me a copy," I winked. "Can do, sweet pea."

"I like your mom even more," I whispered in his ear. His face had a grin on it which brightened at my words. "Come on children, let's go to the park!" Okay... That's just weird.

Apparently his mom doesn't know that we are teens and we don't exactly play at the park.

"No thank you Mrs. L, I'd better get going, my mom is probably worried about me," I said. "No worries dear, I'll take you home," she said grabbing her keys. "Actually, I'm taking her." Francisco took the keys out of her hand and pulled me outside and to his truck.

"Hurry, my mom is like the freaking hulk when it comes to these types of situations." I quickly got in, telling him the directions, and putting in my seatbelt. He drove off into the sunset... No, just kidding he drove me home.

Once we got there, I said my goodbyes and went inside. The lights were turned off and it at this scary aura. A squeaking of a chair made me jump then the lamp light turned on. My mom sat in the chair while petting our kitten, Mitten.

I let out a strangled laugh. "Hi mom," I waved. "Where have you been?" She asked, darkly. "I was out with a friend." "Were you out with a," she paused, "a boy." She cocked an eyebrow. "No, of course not! I was out with Zoe." I don't even know who the heck Zoe is. "You were out with a boy," she glared.

"Nope," I declined.

"Don't lie to me Emerson, I'm not stupid," she spit out. "Okay, I was, but never, I repeat, NEVER embarrass me in front of him."

"Oh don't worry my child... I won't..." "Or will I?"

Okay, did I hear correctly?
Sorry for the late chapter... But I updated! Oh and for Christmas I won't be able to update because I'm going to Mexico I'm so sorry, don't kill me!!😭😭😭 but anyways I'll update later 😜

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