Chapter 15 🖤

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Emerson's POV (tw//abuse)

I had a smile planted on my face all day. It hasn't faltered since this morning, at school, and now at home.

"What's with that smile?" My mother asked as I walked inside the kitchen.

"Nothing," I quickly said.

She gave me a mischievous smile. I'm frightened. "Oh yeah, then what about that boy that left our home last night."

That surprised me. I felt sick to the stomach and my palms got all sweaty. "Well I-"

"Don't even speak a word, you know you're not supposed to lie to me," she scolded, looking angry. I felt like crying.

"I was here, I saw him drop you off. You said you were with this Zoe girl," she practically hissed.

My bottom lip wobbled.

"You went out with that boy again, didn't you," she spit venom. She slammed the knife she held in her hands into the table. "Didn't you!" She hollered, making me flinch.

My breath caught in my throat.

"N-no," I stuttered.

I feel vulnerable. I hate feeling vulnerable. "Liar!" She pointed.

"You're fucking done for, little girl. I've had enough of this disrespect in my own household."

She slowly stalks toward me. Tears fill my eyes and I feel numb. I can't move, I'm stuck in this spot. I'm screaming on the inside, I can't speak.

She grabs the belt from the table and begins whipping me with it. It hurts, so bad. I want to tell her to stop, but I know she won't. She never does.

Her fists slam into my face, making me scream out in agony. Next thing I know, she's kicking me in the ribs, anywhere that she can. Lastly, she spits in my face.

"You should've never been born!" She screams, leaving the room and going to her own.

I curl into a ball and rock myself.

I've finally broke.

I've lost my father, my mother, and now... Myself.

I ran to my room and opened my photo album, ripping out and tearing all of the pictures of my so-called mom.

I cried, and cried.

Albeit the neighbors heard my cries.

I wonder what it would be like to have a complete family. With a mother who would love me, a father to care for me, and at least a sibling.

I hugged my pillow, tightly.

Crying myself to sleep, I went out like a light.
I felt sad writing this chapter :( I don't think Emerson deserves this type of pain and pressure from her "mom"

What do you guys think?




I HUV YOU GUYS!!!! (In a friendly way)

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