Chapter 14 🖤

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Emerson's POV

My moms home. This day couldn't get any worse. All I want to do is sleep. Even when I sleep, I get the worst nightmares. The death of my father, my mother beating me until I'm black and blue.

I cringe at the thoughts.

I message Francisco to see if he can take me somewhere. Anywhere but here.

"Hey, mom, erm, may I go out with Zoe? She wants to take me to get smoothies..." I hold my hands together, tightly.

"After you clean my room, the living room, and the dishes. You have to be back in two hours, or else."

Wow, that's the nicest she's been in... years, I think. "Thanks, mom."

I begin to do the things she tells me to do. I make everything spotless and tell my mother 'goodbye.'

I message Francisco, letting him know that I'd be at the dollar store down the street. When he picked me up, I let out a breath of relief. I quickly got in and pretty much told him to floor it.

"Em, it looks like you've been holding your breath for ages, do you want to tell me what's going on?" He asks, worry in his voice.

"I don't tell people this and I definitely never thought I'd tell you this... I'm scared of my mom. I'm scared of going back to my house because she abuses me Fran. I want to stay with someone who keeps me safe, makes me feel safe. Every time I go home, I wonder if that day will be the day I take my last breath..." I expose myself to him. My home-life, everything that my mom told me to never tell anyone.

"Are you serious? We need to tell somebody, Em. This isn't good, especially if she's harming you!" He says, looking between me and the road. I bite my lip. "I can't. She'll kill me."

"Well, you're staying with me. I don't want you hurting, ever. You don't deserve that at all, nobody does. I'll keep you safe," he murmurs, one hand on the steering wheel and one holding my hand. He rubs my hand gently, comfortingly.

I didn't realize, but tears are falling down my cheeks freely. I don't even try to hold them in. "It's going to be okay, I'm not going to let her hurt you anymore." He stops at the side of the road and pecks the top of my hand. We sit there in silence, him holding me in my arms until I'm not crying anymore.

Things are going to be different. Finally.
I'm crying WOW





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