Chapter 17🖤

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Chapter Seventeen
Francisco's POV

Emerson's in the hospital. I don't want to leave her side, but I have to. For her safety. I go to the police and give them a report, I tell them everything that I saw, that I knew that happened from what she told me the other day.

"Thank you, sir. I hate getting reports like this, it's so sad," the officer sighs. I nod my head. "No. Thank you for all your hard work. See ya around officer," I say, heading back to the hospital. I need to be by her side once she wakes up.

Emerson's POV

My eyes flutter open, all I see is white. "Am-am I in heaven?" I stutter. "No, Em, you're in the hospital." I hear Francisco. His voice like an angels. I look over at his face.

"Oh. Why?" I ask, staring into his pretty brown eyes. He bites his lip. "I thought your injuries were too bad, which I was correct. You're getting help to heal them," he explains to me. I nod my head. This is the worst abuse I've received from my mother. She usually does it to where nobody can see.

"Thank you," I croak out. "For getting me out of there, I mean." All of a sudden, I'm shy and I don't want him to look at me. I'm sure I look disgusting, like a monster. It's like he knows what I'm thinking, because he caresses my cheek with his warm hand. I lean into it, a small smile on my face. It hurts to move my lips, but I do anyways.

"It's no problem. You're my everything, Em. I'd do anything for you. I want you to be happy... you're beautiful, you know?" He tells me, pressing a light kiss to my forehead.

I want to live in this moment, everything seems right.
We out here, crying bc Fran be cute af





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