Chapter 10 🖤

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Emerson's POV

I awake from my deeps sleep and was thinking about getting down from the treehouse, but decided it was a bad idea. I'm still to sleepy, so I lay back down and am in my thoughts.

I think about the terrible life I'm living. The only good thing is Francisco, who I know actually cares. Even if I think he doesn't sometimes.

Every night, I just want to leave this place. Leave the mother who never loved me, leave this town that I was raised in, because of all of the terrible memories. The death of my dad had hurt me so much, I was diagnosed with depression at a young age.

At least my mom cared enough to bring me to a therapist every once in awhile.

I just want my dad back, to hug him one last time, to make everything feel better...
Yep, three updates in a say! Wooh I'm on a roll!!!

Love you guys





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