Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

I lay across the sofa, flicking through the channels on the TV, hoping to find some football. I sighed, Sunderland vs Liverpool, not very interesting but I'll watch it.

"Niall, go put some clothes on!" My mum sighed, hitting me in the face with a pillow - I swear that's her favourite way of grabbing my attention.

"What? Why?" I mumbled,

"Karen and Liam are coming round for tea." My face fell straight,

"Seriously? They left like three hours ago, don't they need to unpack." My mum nodded,

"Yes, that's why they're coming round for tea. Saves them having to set their kitchen up in a rush." I rolled my eyes,

"At least let me watch the football." She looked up at the time,

"How long's left?" I sighed,

"Seriously mum, if its seventy nine minutes in and the match lasts ninety minutes then you should be able to do the maths." She hit me again with the pillow,

"Don't be so cheeky, just make sure you're ready for when they get here." I mumbled a 'mm' and turned my attention back to the TV. I hadn't really spoke to that Liam kid, he's really quiet. Although he has a pretty good fashion taste, he has brown hair that's styled in a smaller quiff than mine. He has chocolate brown eyes and a cute little smile, but he seemed a bit boring for my liking. He never speaks either, his mum always does it for him.

Fifteen minutes later the door bell rang, to my agony.

"GET THAT NIALL!" My mum yelled from the kitchen, my eyes widened as I looked down at what I was wearing. I was only in my four leaf clover boxers and nothing else (I know, stereotypical Irish, but proud)


"YEAH I'M GETTING IT!" I yelled back, I hopped up off the sofa and made my way to the front door. I pulled it open and slightly hid my body behind it,

"Come in." I said, Karen stepped in and entered the living room. Liam closely followed, I smiled at him and shut the door. He looked a little red so he turned and followed his mother. I ran up the stairs and grabbed a pair of freshly ironed joggers off my pile, I slipped them on and searched for my T-Shirt pile. It wasn't until then that I realised it was downstairs, I'd forgot to bring it up. I shook my head and ran down the stairs and into the living room,

"Niall a shirt would be a bit more appropriate." My mum sighed,

"Yeah I'm just getting one." I said pushing past her, I avoided all eye contact with Liam and Karen, especially as I was topless. I found another tee, similar to the one I was wearing earlier, and slid it on. I re-entered the living room and took a seat next to Liam,

"We're just going to meet your father at Asda, he walked and brought too much stuff so we're going to help him. Take care of Liam." My mum chirped, she hooked her arm in Karen's and they walked out together. I glanced at Liam and sighed, I didn't even know the kid.

Liam's POV
I watched as my mum left the house with Maura, leaving me with Niall. I have to admit, it was quiet a surprise seeing Niall in just his boxers, but I wasn't complaining. Then we were joined by him in joggers, still shirtless. Which I also didn't complain about, he had the outline but it wasn't as toned as mine. He must work out a little but not as much as me. Back in Wolverhampton I never really went out with friends, well I never really went out with anyone. I mainly worked out in the shed or sang, they were my main two priorities. But I never sang to anybody, only to myself. One of my flaws is my lack of confidence.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Niall asked, sitting back in his seat and pulling his hands up behind his head. I couldn't help but stare at his biceps poking out of his sleeves, for a guy that doesn't work out much, they're impressive.

"Liam?" He said, waving his hand in front of my face. I shrugged my shoulders,

"Great, left here with a guy who won't breathe a word." I wanted to say something but I couldn't,

"See." He scoffed. He stood up and walked over to the TV, grabbing the remote.

"Do you like football?" I nodded,

"Football it is." He began flicking through the various sports channels, stopping for roughly three seconds on each before turning over. I watched his mouth as it curved into a concentrated smile, it was cute. He knitted his eyebrows together as he noticed me watching,

"What?" I shook my head and looked away, he shrugged it off and continued searching.

"What team do you support?" He asked, stopping on Match Of The Day.

"Wolves..." I mumbled, not sure on how he was going to respond.

"I should of guessed that." He joked, now was my time to speak.


"Me? I'm a Derby lad." I frowned,

"You support Derby?" He nodded,

"Yep, Derby County." I frowned again, a guy from Ireland supporting Derby, weird. I found myself smiling at the fact I'd just had a normal conversation with Niall, however I wiped the smile off my face before he noticed.

"Thirsty?" Niall asked, cocking his head to the side. I stared back at him before shrugging,

"Seriously Liam, you don't know whether you want a drink or not?" Once again, I shrugged.

"Alright then, I'll get you one anyway. Coke alright?" I nodded and he jumped up off the sofa and scurried into the kitchen, I relaxed all my tensed muscles and stared up at the TV. For some reason, I just couldn't keep a conversation with Niall. My throat would all block up and I'd end up having to do gestures, whether it was a simple nod of the head or boring shrug of the shoulders. Why couldn't I be myself around him?

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