Chapter 17

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Liam’s POV

I regretted everything that I had ever done that included Niall as soon as I jumped the school gates, he never cared about me and I kept falling for his stupid charm more and more. Last night I let myself fall deeper and deeper into the hole of love and stupid me has to find a way back out of it again. I always knew niall was a fake; he only cared about booze and tattoos. He had no real inside feelings. I ran down a few streets and stopped at a small coffee shop on the corner; I ordered a latte and took a seat by the window. As I began to sip my drink I noticed a fairly tall boy with blonde hair making his way over to me,

“Is this seat taken?” He said, leaning slightly towards the empty seat in front of me. I shook my head and he took a seat with a smile,

“I’m Andy by the way, you?”

“Liam.” I said bluntly, he drank his drink steadily before exploding into conversation.

“So what brings you here?” He asks,

“I ran out of school and didn’t know where else to go.” I confessed, secretly hoping he wasn’t an undercover police officer.

“Rebel!” He said with a laugh, I shook my head and lowered it more.

“Mate I’m just kidding,” He said, placing his hand on my arm. I looked up before pulling away slowly. A little grin grew on his face,

“Tell me about your problem, maybe I can help.” I hesitated; I didn’t want him to start making homophobic jokes if I confessed to being gay.

“Liam, come on, I won’t judge you whatever it is.” I decided to confide in him, he seemed a generally nice person.

“Well there’s this person that I like, but I know they don’t like me back. They act like they care so much about me when we’re together, but when they’re with their friend’s they’re a completely different person. They insult me all the time and pretend they’ve never shown any affection towards me, we just had a massive row because they called me something and told me they don’t want me to go near them ever again. But I’m in love with them and I can’t get them off my mind.” I blurted out as quickly as I could; Andy shook his head and pulled a sad face.

“How do you know them?”

“My mum’s best friend’s child.” He nodded.

“Do they know you like them?” I nodded slowly,

“We kissed the other night at a party during a drinking game, but they regretted it straight away.” He let out a laugh,

“Well that’s a lie, there’s always a reason why you did it, so don’t regret it.” I smiled at his words of wisdom,

“He doesn’t see it that way…” I sighed, he sat upright.

“So it’s a he?” My eyes widened, shit.

“I, uh-“

“Liam, its fine. There’s nothing wrong with being gay.” He smiled,

“That’s not what he thinks.”

“Well then he’s stupid.” I laughed; speaking to Andy had definitely made me feel better.

“Tell me about him,”

“What do you want to know?” I said, tracing the rim of the coffee cup with my finger.

“Everything you want to tell me.” I thought for a second.

“He’s blonde, naturally brunette though. He has sparkling blue eyes and perfectly straight teeth. He always looks good and has really cool friends, that’s why I don’t fit in with them. He’s perfect. He loves football and is a true Irish man, just like his father. He recently got a sleeve, which has made him ten times hotter.”

“A sleeve?” Andy questioned, I nodded.

“Is it Niall Horan?” My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name, however I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

“How do you know?” I asked, slightly confused and a little panicky.

“My dad owns the tattoo parlour! He was there the other day with a bunch of lads, Niall was, and he got a sleeve.” I nodded,

“I was there too, I got a tattoo.” I said slowly,

“Let me see?” I pulled my shirt down below my collar bone so he could see, he smiled widely.

“That’s so cool! I love Batman. Anyway back to Niall, my dad said he’s known Niall and his friends for a long time now. He reckons that one of them is bisexual.” My face lit up a little,

“Do you think it could be?” I asked, my voice trailing off. He smiled,

“Quite possibly, that might be the reason behind his weird behaviour!” He chirped reassuringly, I suddenly felt a whole lot better.

“Remember Liam, the unexpected is always around the corner!” I grinned at his advice, I guess that was true. It always really was round the corner.


Louis’ POV

“Come on Liam, it will be a laugh!” I said, continuing to beg Liam to come to the sleepover tonight. We hadn’t seen him since he jumped the school gates earlier and I was determined to find out why.

“I’m just not sure I can Lou.” He sighed, I rolled my eyes.

“Well if you don’t come to the sleepover, then the sleepovers coming to you!” I heard him sigh and I giggled a little.

“Fine, but I’m not staying overnight. I’ve got a lot of studying to do.”

“Leave the geeky stuff for home. Be here for eight!” I said, looking at the clock. 7:35pm.

“Alright, bye.” He hung up and I checked my phone, I had a text from Niall.

‘Easy mate, what time should I be at yours?’

I typed back ‘8pm’ and hit send before pouring tonnes of junk food into various bowls. I retrieved the cold drinks from the fridge and set them all out in the living room before raiding the house for duvets and pillows, dropping them all to the floor and creating a giant bed for us all. I changed into my superman bottoms and searched through my dad’s horrors. I grabbed a bunch and dropped them onto the floor in front of the television; I looked up at the clock. 7:56, they should be here anytime soon. The door swung open and in walked Harry with his overnight bag, he dumped it on the sofa and Zayn wandered in after finishing his fag.

“Where’s Niall?”

 “Should be here any time soon, so should Liam.” I smirked, the boys laughed too. Tonight should be good.

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