Chapter 11

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Liam’s POV

Niall ripped away from me and I sighed deeply as my mum burst through the door holding multiple shopping bags,

“Morning Liam!” She said with a smile, I smiled back and her attention landed on Niall.

“I didn’t know you stayed the night Niall?” He began to panic and think of an excuse,

“I, Erm. I didn’t, I just came to see if Liam got home fine yesterday.” She frowned at him and then I realised what she was looking at,

“Is that Liam’s T-Shirt?” he snapped his head down before shaking his head,

“Nope, I have one like this. Anyway Miss Payne, I need to get going.”

“Call me Karen!” She chirped as he ran out of the kitchen as fast as his legs would take him. My mum dumped the bags on the side and peered over my shoulder,

“Breakfast looks good, which ones mine?” I pointed to Niall’s plate and she licked her lips in delight,

“You should cook more often.” She joked before taking her breakfast and walking away, as soon as she left the kitchen I scratched the back of my neck in confusion. Were me and Niall really about to kiss? I thought he liked girls? I shook my head and grabbed my breakfast before joining my mum in the living room. Once I’d finished eating I washed the pots and put the shopping away,

“Liam guess what?” My mum said, stopping me in my tracks.

“What?” I said, turning to her.

“I’ve got a job interview! At the medical centre in town!” The smile on her face grew widely so I flashed back a big smile too,

“That’s amazing mum! I’m really proud of you!” I went to walk away but instead she span me round and pulled me into a tight hug, I flinched at the pain in my shoulder when her shoulder smashed into my tattoo, but I held in my yelp of pain.

“I’ve got it tomorrow at ten, so Maura has organised for Bobby to take me whilst Niall comes round for a bit!” My jaw dropped,

“I’m capable of looking after myself.” I said,

“I know, but I thought it would be nice if you had some company.” I didn’t respond, instead I just jogged upstairs to my room and shut my door before sighing. I wanted to know if Niall actually would have kissed me, or would he have pulled away at the last moment just like he did? I smiled when I noticed he had made the bed before he left, because he had to come up and get his shoes. Cute. I walked over to my bed and puffed up the pillows, a strong scent hit me when I touched the pillow Niall had lay on. It smelt really nice, it was soothing and fresh. I giggled when I saw Niall’s T-Shirt was still on my chair in the corner, he’d gone home in my T-Shirt but I wasn’t bothered. I would be bothered if it was someone else, but its Niall, and he’s just, well amazing. But he changes his mind a lot. I had a quick shower and lightly tied a towel around my waste, not wanting to have anything tight against my new bruises. I noticed my phone light up, I picked it up and looked down, and it was a text from Niall.

‘Sorry mate I’ve still got your top. I’ll drop it off tomorrow. Thanks for letting me stay the night.’

I smiled and text back,

‘Keep it haha, I don’t need it and you’re welcome, I couldn’t really leave you on the park haha x’

I waited for a response and smiled when it came through, however the smile dropped when I read it.

‘No thanks.’

Great, back to the same old Niall. I scoffed and threw my phone onto my bed before looking at my new cuts and bruises in the mirror, suddenly my door flew open and my mum gasped.

“LIAM!” I quickly held my hands over my bare torso, trying to hide my tattoo.

“Who did this to you?” She said, lightly stroking my new cuts. I stepped away in pain,

“Don’t.” I said, sitting down on my bed. Her eyes widened,

“Was it Niall? Because I’ll get Maura and Bobby involve-“

“No.” I said, cutting her off.

“It was the people from before.” She shook her head,

“I’m sorry Liam; I knew moving here wasn’t a good idea.” I placed my hands on her shoulders and smiled.

“It wasn’t your fault mum. I got annoyed and mouthed back, so they hit me a few more times. But don’t worry about it. I’m fine.”

“Liam, is that a tattoo?” I snatched my hand away and covered it up quickly,

“No…” I spluttered. She sighed.

“You know what I think about tattoos Liam! They’re permanent!” I sighed,

“I know, but you know how much I love Batman. I promise, this is the only one I’m getting.” She stroked my head softly, before stopping and frowning.

“Liam, why is there a bump on your head.” I pulled away,

“Did they hit you in the head? Liam this is serious!”

“Mum, just stop. I can take care of myself; just go out for a bit. Relax for your interview tomorrow.” She was hesitant but stood up and made her way over to the door,

“If you need me, call me.” I nodded and she left. I slipped on some clothes and decided to text Niall,

‘Why were you lying with me in the park yesterday?’

‘You were unconscious or asleep.’ I frowned, the boys knocked me out? I certainly have no way of escaping them.

Niall’s POV

When I got in I went straight to my room and slammed the door shut, I ripped of Liam’s T-Shirt and threw it across my room in disgust. He just tried to take advantage of me, HE ALMOST KISSED ME! Does he understand how wrong that is, he’s Liam Payne. Seriously, no. I ripped my clothes off and changed into some fresh ones after a shower, I wanted every bit of Liam washed off me. Did he really think? God no. EW. I cringed at the thought of us sharing a bed, did he not think to just bring me home. Oh gosh.

“Niall, is that you?” My mum said, tapping on my door.

“No it’s a burglar.” I snapped, I heard her sigh and my door opened.

“Where have you been all night? I was worried sick.”

“I was at a friend’s.” I snapped, tracing my fingers over my tattoos with a smile.

“Karen text, she said Liam’s been in another fight. Do you know anything about it?” I shook my head.

“No, I just wish you’d stop asking me about him.”

“You’re supposed to be taking care of him Niall and he’s been beat up twice.”

“I’m not his fucking bodyguard.” I scoffed,

“Fine, but until you take care of him, you’re not getting you allowance each week.” My jaw hit the floor; I needed my allowance for new piercings and tattoos.

“That’s not fair, just because I don’t watch him every second of the day.” She shook her head,

“Nobody’s asking you to do that, we’re just saying you’re supposed to keep him out of danger. Not letting him fall into it. Tomorrow you’re going round there and spending the day with him, no ifs or buts about it. It’s sorted.” She stormed out of my room and shut the door behind her; I slammed my hands onto my desk and screamed angrily. I grabbed my phone and text Liam,

‘Tomorrow we’re going to get those bullies; I swear if they lay another finger on you, they’re dead meat.’ I hit send and threw my phone across my room before grabbing a jacket and running down the stairs,

“I’m going to Zayn’s, don’t text me. My phones upstairs. I’ll be back later.” I slammed the door shut and ran to Zayn’s house, if I was going to fight them I’d need all the help I could get.

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