Chapter 3

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Liam's POV

I lay across the sofa in Niall's arms; he had one arm wrapped securely round my waist and the other playing with my hand, drawing circles using his index finger. Our legs were entangled and we were watching Zombie land, one of our favourite films.

"You okay?" Niall asked, kissing my forehead. I nodded slowly,

"I couldn't be better." He smiled his beautiful smile, revealing his pearly teeth, which of course were still accompanied by his braces.

"I'm glad you moved here Liam, I couldn't imagine my life without you now." I felt my cheeks flush red,

"I'm glad I moved too Niall, I love you." Our heads both turned and began to draw closer, our lips were inches apart...

"LIAM!" My mum yelled, waking me from my deep sleep. My eyes widened when I realised what type of dream I just had, a stupid one obviously. My mind had a thing about doing this, anybody attractive would sneak into my dreams and haunt me - this time it was Niall.

"Get up! We've got to go into your new school." I rolled my eyes, new school my arse.

"Up!" she demanded, I got up out of bed and smiled.

"I'm up mother." She chuckled and walked out; I walked over to my wardrobe and looked for an outfit to wear. I decided on some dark blue jeans and a grey button up shirt, I wanted to look good considering I was going to be attending this school. I fixed my appearance and jogged down the stairs and into the living room, avoiding all the unpacked boxes stacked high.

"You hungry?" My mum asked, munching on one of her 'Special K' cereal bars. I hated those things; my mum doesn't need to lose weight. I shook my head and she smiled, shovelling the last of it in.

"Great, we can go then!" I nodded and grabbed my jacket off the side, we stepped out of the house and my mum locked it, we then began to walk. We turned the corner onto Niall's street which was in the complete opposite direction of the school,

"Uh, mum? The school's that way." I said pointing behind me,

"I know, Bobby's going to drive us there before him and Niall go to the cinema." I forced a smile on my face, almost as if to say I was pleased, but I wasn't. Facing Niall after that dream was going to be a struggle. I've had dreams like them before, that's how I sort of realised that I'm gay. At first it was hard to accept, especially with being my mum's only child, but she soon accepted it too.

"Morning Karen, morning Liam!" Bobby exclaimed, stepping out of his house.

"Morning!" My mum cheered, I just kept quiet.

"Hi Niall!" My mum said, Niall looked up and smiled.

"Hi Karen," He responded, he looked over at me and grinned but I just turned my attention away. His face was kinda lovely so I didn't want to get caught staring. We walked over to the car and Niall pulled open the passenger door,

"No Niall, Karen's the adult; let her sit in the front." My mum put her hand to her chest,

"It's fine." Bobby shook his head,

"No I insist, they should take care of their elders." My mum laughed and hopped into the front, I sadly had to clamber into the back with Niall. My eyes traced his body as he turned to grab his seatbelt; he was wearing loose jeans and a white tank top, showing of his muscular arms perfectly. As he turned back I turned away and put my hand down to plug my seatbelt in, our hands slightly brushed each other's and I tried my best not to respond. Niall just clipped his seatbelt in then turned back in his seat as if nothing happened; I on the other hand turned bright red and got all tingly inside. I faced the window immediately so he couldn't see my red face,

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