Chapter 23

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Liam’s POV

I finally dragged myself out of my bedroom, avoiding all of the food that had been left outside the door for me. I spent the whole day in my room after Niall’s little act, I couldn’t believe I had been so stupid, again.

“Liam.” I heard my mum call; I turned to find her staring worriedly at me. I didn’t manage to say anything, instead I ran straight at her and straight into her arms. She rubbed my back and held me tight,

“Liam, please tell me what’s wrong?” I sniffled and wiped a few tears,

“Can we do it over hot chocolate?” she nodded and smiled,

“I’ll go down and make them for us, you clean up a bit.” I forced a smile on my face and thanked her. She walked down the stairs and I entered the bathroom, immediately regretting it when I saw my appearance in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy from the constant crying, my hair was sticking up all over the place and I had a small 5 o’clock shadow growing. I had a quick shave and washed my face multiple times; I scrubbed my teeth with my toothbrush and combed my hair flat. I had nobody to be making a good impression on so there was no need for gel. I ran down the stairs and into the living room, I smiled when I saw my Batman cup on the table stacked high with whipped cream, marshmallows and grated chocolate. My mum always knew how to make me smile; I took a seat on the sofa and waited for her to join me.

“Come on Li, tell me what’s wrong.” I sighed,

“What do you do, when you like somebody and you know you shouldn’t? Because they’re horrible but nice, however you know they’re a waste of time?” I felt my palms sweat a little,

“Do they know you like them?” I nodded,

“They took advantage of it then threw it all back in my face.” She wrapped her arms around me and I let out a little sob,

“Oh honey, you don’t need people like that. Trust me.”

“But I want them…” I mumbled,

“You’ll be able to get over them honey, I know you will. You’re strong like that.” I shook my head,

“I don’t think I can mum, I really don’t. I don’t want to be here anymore, because I always see them and it just breaks my heart.” She rubbed my shoulder and sighed,

“Liam, we’ve just moved here. We can’t just leave.” I rolled my eyes,

“Why not, there are thousands of different places we can go.” She shook her head.

“Liam, this is a fresh start for the both of us. Just give it some more time and you’ll get used to it.” I ate the marshmallows off my hot chocolate whilst I thought,



“You know if things don’t work out for me, and I can’t get over this person. Will you at least considering moving?” She hesitated for a second,

“I’m not sure Liam, are you sure you’d want another big move?” I nodded slowly; if it helped me get over Niall then I was up for anything.

“I promise you mum, it will be what I want.” She sighed once again,

“Fine, if it comes to that and it’s really what you want, then we will move.” I stared up at her happily,

“Promise?” I said, sticking my little finger out.

“Promise.” She said entwining our little fingers. I felt more than happy now; I wouldn’t have to face Niall for much longer. I knew he was an ass since the day I met him, he didn’t care about me. He was only bothered about his boys, and since I wasn’t one of them, I wasn’t going to pretend I care. I finished my drink and washed my cup before grabbing my laptop and looking for new houses abroad. I’m thinking Australia.

Niall’s POV

“Niall, mate. You aren’t even paying any attention.” Zayn said, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

“What? Sorry, I was sidetracked.” A smile crept onto Louis’ face,

“Niall… I know that look.” I frowned at him,

“What look?” he jumped up,

“That look! You like someone.” Shit. I shook my head violently,

“No I don’t Louis.” I snapped, he rolled his eyes.

“Oh come on it’s obvious, there’s somebody distracting you. Was it that blonde from the party? What’s her name, Chloe? Daisy? Or is it Maria?”

“NONE.” I shouted, breaking him from his trail of thoughts. He held his hands up in the air,

“Whoa pushy!” I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair,

“Sorry, I just need to go home and think about some stuff. Sorry.” I rushed out of Zayn’s house and sped off home, I couldn’t get Liam out of my head. Especially what happened the other night? Luckily I hadn’t seen him since and he’s got the false message that I’m not interested. I mean the right message. I don’t even know any more, I walked straight past his house and kept my head down. I couldn’t face seeing him when I had stupid feelings for him, that’s ridiculous. I’m straight, I know I am. I really badly want to blame Liam for this, but I was the one who came onto him. I was the one that made the night perfect and fucked everything up for him the next morning. But that’s what I wanted, he’ll leave me alone now and I can just be Niall. That’s what I want, right?

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