Chapter 26

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Liam’s POV

Once again Niall had torn my heart apart, but not anymore. I’d had enough of him, his stupid Irish charm always made me for him and every time I let my guard down I end up getting fucking hurt again. I don’t want anything to do with him anymore; it’s obvious he doesn’t like me. Well he hates me, and now I hate him too. I gave into him one last time and enjoyed our final kiss, so now we’re done. Whatever we had or didn’t have is gone, he’s going to be gone soon, and I’m going to be gone soon. I stormed into my house and slammed the door, dropping my bag to the floor and bursting into floods of tears. I pushed open the living room door to find my mum and Maura sat talking,

“Liam darling are you okay?” Maura asked, concerned. As much as I loved seeing Maura I hated it at the moment, she sounded exactly like Niall and that was the last thing I wanted. I ignored her and stormed straight into the kitchen; I slammed my hands on the table and let the tears continue to fall. I heard steps behind me and I turned to see my mum,

“Oh Liam,” She said sadly, placing a hand on my back and rubbing it.

“Was it that boy again?” I nodded my head and turned to her, she pulled me straight into her arms and I cried even harder.

“Mum I’m serious now, I want to go.” I said in between sobs, she rubbed my back and tried to calm me down.

“Are you sure, because once it’s done there’s no turning back.” I nodded my head slightly and continued to cry; she gave me one last tight squeeze and pulled away.

“Well then, if you want to begin packing I’ve got a house in Australia that my friend has offered to give us. If you are one hundred percent certain that this is what you want then tell me now okay?” I twiddled with my thumbs before nodding slowly,

“It’s what I want mum, I promise.” She let out a little sigh but forced a smile on her face.

“Okay Liam, I can’t have you not being happy. Go on, go get packing whilst I tell Maura.” I nodded and walked into the kitchen; I looked over at Maura and fake smiled.

“I’m fine thank you.”

“Good.” She said as I left the room, I ran up the stairs and opened to the door to my new old bedroom. I grabbed my suitcases from under my bed and began packing, the sooner I got out of this place the better.

A few hours had passed and I had packed most of my things, I’d packed up the things in the bathroom and the spare room and was helping mum pack hers. She glanced down at her watch,

“It’s almost ten thirty; we should go and get some tea.” I nodded my head, we’d been so busy packing we’d forgotten to eat. We grabbed our coats and began walking down the street to our local takeaway, when we entered I spotted two familiar faces in the corner, standing pretty close. I frowned when I saw Harry’s hand hanging loosely around Louis’ waist,

“Louis?” I questioned, Harry’s hand slowly slid away and they both turned to me.

“You know those boys?” My mum asked, slightly concerned as they’re not exactly the normal type I’d hang around with.

“Yeah they’re my friends, they’re really nice.” I whispered,

“They look it.” She laughed; I rolled my eyes and left her to order. I walked over to Harry and Louis and smiled,

“How come you’re so happy Li? Good news?” I nodded my head,

“We’re moving!” Louis’ jaw dropped,

“Moving? What? You’ve only just got here!” I nodded my head,

“I know, but it’s not really for me round here. We’re going to Australia, I can’t wait. But I’ll text and stuff, promise.” They pulled me into a bro hug and we all hugged for a little while, I pulled away and raised my eyebrows.

“Anyway, what’s going on with you two?” they both looked at each other then back at me,

“No-nothing why?” Harry asked nervously,

“Well two guys don’t normally stand so close, and one doesn’t normally have his arm on the others waist?” I kept my eyebrow raised and Louis sighed deeply.

“Alright, we’re in an awkward situation. It’s kind of a friends with benefits thing… but you can’t tell Niall or Zayn okay?” I nodded my head,

“Deal, as long as you don’t tell them I’m moving.” They both nodded their heads,

“Deal.” I cooed at them,

“Love birds.” I winked and they shoved my chest lightly,

“Oh shut up.” Louis laughed,

“Liam, come on.” My mum called, thanking the man.

“Alright, I’m going. I leave in about two days, make sure you come and see me.” They both nodded their heads and I waved goodbye and walked back home with my mum. We sat down on a few cardboard boxes in the living room and tucked in,

“Liam?” I looked up at my mum and nodded,

“Yeah?” She finished her food before answering,

“It wasn’t one of those boys that have made you want to move is it?” I shook my head straight away,

“No, they’re like my best friends mum. I love them but not in that way, gosh.” I smiled,

“Well are you sure you want to leave them behind?” I nodded my head,

“They’ve got each other; they’ll be fine without me.”

“Okay, the removal van comes tomorrow and will be taking the furniture so it’s there for when we arrive and we leave the day after. We’ll stay in a hotel tomorrow night.” I nodded my head, suddenly feeling more excited. Getting out of here was going to be one of the best decisions of my life.

so liam has finally decided the move is definitely what he wants! I decided to add a bit of Larry too because Larry's awesome;) There's not long until the story ends! what do you predict will happen?

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