Chapter 12

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Liam's POV

I felt a little bit scared when Niall showed up at my door dressed all in black, it was nice for him to be looking out for me but he didn't need to do it dressed as a criminal.

"Have you had any more trouble with those lads yet?" I shook my head,

"Good. They don't know what will be coming to them if they do." I felt a slight smile creep onto my face, this was the side of Niall that I like. The protective side, the one that makes me think he really does care about me and wants to keep me safe. But I know his mum's said something, otherwise he wouldn't be acting this way.

"When do you want us to have a word with them?" He asked, taking a seat on my sofa. I shrugged my shoulders and slumped down next to him.

"You don't have to sort them out, I can do it on my own." He let out a hearty laugh,

"You couldn't hurt a fly Liam." He said, I think he didn't mean to offend me but in a way he did.

"I'm stronger than them." I said bluntly, I definitely had a lot more physical strength, but not verbal.

"Strength doesn't matter, they know that you're an easy target. So we're going to make them stop hurting you, they shouldn't be able to take advantage of you." Hearing Niall say that made my heart melt, he just makes me smile a lot even if he doesn't really care.

"Thank you." I mumbled, he smiled and began typing away on his phone. After a few buzzes of his phone he ran over to the front door and pulled it open, revealing Zayn, Louis and Harry all dressed similar and smiling. 

"Come in." Niall said stepping aside, the boys entered and got comfy on my sofas.

"You're okay with us being here aren't you?" Zayn said, running his fingers over his 5 o'clock shadow.

"Yeah." I replied. They began discussing things between themselves so I decided to get a drink from the kitchen, as I began pouring some coke I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw that it was Louis, smiling away.

"You're a little jumpy mate." He said, pointing to the coke I'd just spilt.

"I know, it's ever since they got me in the park." I mumbled, grabbing a tea towel and wiping it up.

"You won't have to worry about them getting you soon, Niall will make sure of that." I smiled and sipped my drink,

"If Niall's the only person making sure of it, then no offence but why are you guys here?" He giggled a little,

"We're his back up if he really needs it." I nodded slowly and pointed to the coke.

"Do you want some?" He shook his head.

"I don't want to shout at them and randomly burp in mid sentence." He joked, I laughed too and we re-entered the living room.

"We'll get some McDonalds and then go have a word with them. I'll pay." Niall said pulling out his wallet and scanning through the notes,

"You sure you don't want us to chip in?" He shook his head.

"Just stay as my back up, I'll do the rest." They all nodded and I grabbed my keys before locking the door and beginning the walk up to McDonalds. I sat opposite Niall, Louis sat opposite Harry and Zayn sat on the end slurping his drink.

"I think at first me and Liam should go to the door, then if I need you guys I'll whistle and you'll come okay?" Niall instructed, the boys all nodded in unison and I got an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. Niall led us through many alleyways before we finally reached a small house on the corner,

"Right, this is Kyle's house. So stay close by and be ready to run if I whistle." Niall said, slowly walking up to the garden. The boys hid and Niall knocked loudly on the door, I stepped behind him a little and waited for the door to open. As soon as it did a smirk grew on Kyle's face as his eyes landed on me, I felt uncomfortable but I stood my ground for Niall.

"What do you want?" He scoffed.

"We need to have a word." Niall snapped, Kyle rolled his eyes and stepped out of the door.

"Come on then, say it." Niall stepped a little closer to Kyle's face.

"I don't appreciate what you've been doing to Liam." Kyle sighed,

"So, Liam appreciates it." I shook my head.

"No he doesn't." Niall snapped, stepping a little closer to Kyle.

"Well then why doesn't he tell me himself?" Niall turned to me.

"I don't appreciate it." I said bravely, Kyle shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

"Ah well, I'm going to carry on whether you like it or not." I noticed Niall slowly getting angrier and angrier, his hand flew up and shoved Kyle against a wall.

"KEEP THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM." He roared, my eyes widened as Kyle shoved Niall back.

"OR WHAT?" He shouted back. Niall laughed.

"You don't want to know." I slightly panicked as Kyle swung a punch at Niall, however Niall reacted quickly and his fist connected with Kyle's jaw. Suddenly the boys jumped out from their hiding places and ran over to get Kyle, I couldn't watch so I stepped aside and turned my back on them. Luckily they didn't hurt him like he hurt me, he just had a bloody nose and a busted lip. Harry picked him up by his collar and threw him back into his house, Niall stood over him and lowered to his level.

"If I find out you've done anything else to Liam, worse shit will be going down." He pushed him onto the floor and we all left him and began walking back. I couldn't help but smile knowing Niall is protecting me, but it hurt when I remembered it was just an act. But it was better than nothing.

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