Chapter 9

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[A/N: Sorry if this chapter is a bit short, I needed a little bit of a dramatic scene before the next one:) keep voting and commenting! it means a lot:)xx]

Liam’s POV

I carried on running until I found a park which seemed quiet; I jumped over the gate and made my way over to a small pond. I took a seat under the tree and pulled my shirt over my head; I lifted up the patch and looked down at my tattoo. Why did I do this? I knew Niall didn’t like me, but I just shoved the thought in my head that if I got a tattoo and looked more manly he would. But I was wrong, which seems to be happening a lot lately. I covered my tattoo back up and sighed deeply, I checked my phone to see if Niall had text but he hadn’t. Typical. However I did have a text from my mum,

‘Liam, please come home? We need to talk about that fight you got into, please? Xx’

I couldn’t help but feel responsible for my mum being down lately, but I just couldn’t face talking about the fight again. I remember lying there on the floor, feeling shooting pains from all over my body. A smash in the rubs, a punch in the jaw, just pain. Then it all stopped, because of Niall. That was when I thought Niall cared about me, but clearly I was wrong. He just wanted to stay on the good side of my mum, he didn’t care. A cold breeze flew past me, sending tingles down my spine. I slid my top back on but remained seated under the tree, it was only five thirty, I still had a while before I had to go back home. I lay my head back and closed my eyes; it was nice to finally relax. Well at least I thought I could relax.

“Well well well, look who we have.” Oh no, my eyes snapped open and stood in front of me was the boys from the other day. The guys who beat me up. I jumped up and began to back away.

“Please, just leave me alone. I don’t want any more trouble.” The blonde haired boy laughed loudly,

“Trouble? No, we’re not trouble.” I swallowed hard as they began to step closer and closer.

“We just need to finish off what we started.” That’s when I knew I was in trouble. Before I could react the blonde boy stepped out and grabbed me, twisting my hands around my back and kicking me to the floor. I knew I wasn’t going to fight back so I tucked my knees into my chest and covered my head with my hands, I felt a few tears fall from my eyes. I was scared and I had no protection. I winced in pain as multiple kicks to my back were made, punches were thrown at my head and legs and I was weak, once again. I tried to call out for Niall but it was just a croak, I knew I was alone now. I had no hope in stopping this, these were my bullies.

Niall’s POV

I hadn’t heard from Liam for around three hours which was great if you ask me, I did feel a bit guilty for hurting his feelings but I only spoke the truth. He hadn’t even tried to make new friends in school; he just hung around with us and presumed we were going to be his friends. But he doesn’t fit in with us, we’re complete opposites. I jogged down the stairs and into the living room, greeted by the smell of egg and bacon. Dad’s cooking tonight, which makes a change. I wandered into the kitchen and my mum grabbed my arm,

“Have you seen Liam?” I shook my head,

“He’s not gone home again, Karen’s worried.” I shrugged my shoulders and sat down at the table,

“Niall.” My dad said sternly,

“What?” I snapped,

“I don’t fucking follow him twenty four seven so how am I supposed to know where he is?” My mum’s jaw dropped,

“NIALL JAMES HORAN!” She roared, I was in for it now.

“THAT LANGUAGE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, ESPECIALLY TOWARDS ME!” I rolled my eyes and drummed my fingers on the table,

“Whatever.” She turned to my dad and a tear fell from her face,

“Niall, what’s happened to you?”

“Nothing.” I said calmly, rolling up my sleeves. Seconds later I heard a plate smash and I looked up to find my dad stood with his hand held out and his jaw dropped, I frowned but then realised what he was gawping at, my tattoos.

“NIALL!” My mum yelled, once again. She grabbed my arms in hers and I pulled away in pain,

“WHEN DID YOU GET THESE?” I ignored her and she shook her head,

“Niall, I’m so disappointed in you.” I shrugged my shoulders,

“Why couldn’t you just be like Greg?” I felt the anger boiling up inside me; I threw back my chair and slammed my hands on the table.

“BECAUSE IM NOTHING LIKE HIM.” My mum stepped back, scared.

“HE’S MR PERFECT, THE SON THAT YOU WANT. I’M NOT; I’M NOTHING LIKE HIM MUM. WHY DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? I NEVER WILL BE, HE DOESN’T WANT TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS. I DO. HE DOESN’T LISTEN TO ROCK AND HEAVY METAL. I DO. IM NOT GREG MUM, SORRY IM NOT PERFECT.” I turned around and ran straight out of the house, slamming the door shut behind me. I ran and ran until I found the park round the corner, I knew it wasn’t the best place to go but it was a start. I hopped over the fence and fell to my knees, tears streamed down my face. It hurt to shout at my mum, but I was sick of being compared to Greg. Greg is the perfect son, and I’m not. It’s not my fault; I was brought up constantly being in his shadow. Do you know what that feels like? I ran my fingers through my hair before looking around me, I sighed when I saw a figure by a tree lying down. I was hoping to be alone, clearly not. I stood up and began to edge closer to the person, to see if I could get them to move. As I drew closer I noticed a familiar face lying on the ground, Liam.

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