Chapter 25

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[A/N: BIT OF A FILLER. just so you know who caught them! DRAMA.]

Zayn’s POV

“WHAT THE FUCK?” I yelled Liam and Niall ripped apart from each other almost immediately; Liam stumbled backwards and fell over the desk causing Niall to fall into fits of laughter. I continued to stand staring with my mouth wide open,

“Was you just…” I began as Liam got up; they both looked at me and shook their head.

“No, never.” Niall snapped, my eyes widened.

“But I saw you, you were, you know.” Liam sat down looking rather uncomfortable and buried his head back into their work; Niall looked down at him before he looked back to me.

“Zayn, outside, now.” He demanded, walking up to me. We left the classroom and he pulled the door shut,

“Trust me it was NOT what it looked like.” He said, slightly panicky.

“Is that why you’ve been avoiding him, because you love him?”

“I DON’T LOVE HIM!” He yelled, I rubbed my ear in pain from his loud voice.

“NO NEED TO SHOUT.” I yelled back, he rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair.

“Niall are you… gay?” His head shot up and shook violently.

“No you twat I’m not.”

“But you were just making out with a guy.”

“I wasn’t.” I smiled at him,

“Niall I don’t care what you are, you’re always gonna be one of my best friends no matter what. You might be confused about your sexuality.” He rolled his eyes and sighed,

“Zayn now is not the time for one of your motivational inspirational deep speeches.” I laughed at him,

“Niall loves Liam aw.” He shoved my chest and blushed slightly,

“I’m not fucking in love with him Zayn do you not listen?”

“I don’t listen to lies.” He gave up answering, he knew I’d won. After a few minutes of silence he slid to the floor and dropped his head in his hands,

“I think I feel something for him Zayn,” He sighed; I dropped down next to him and put my arm around him.

“That’s fine Niall, you are allowed.” He shook his head,

“I’m not Zayn; I should be having girlfriends not boyfriends. Especially not Liam.”

“Why not? Liam’s not that bad you know, he’s a really nice guy.” He rested his head on my shoulder,

“He’s just not the person I should be with, he’s just Liam… being with him is just wrong you know, I get this feeling from him but I shouldn’t feel it. He’s not the one I love Zayn, he’s just some geeky Wolverhampton lad that’s fucked with my feelings. I hate him Zayn, I really do.” He stopped speaking when we heard a small cough from above us; we both looked up to see Liam clutching his bag.

“So that’s what you really think of me? After everything we’ve been through? Well Niall, you’re not all that perfect yourself. You’re a selfish prick and I wish I’d never met you.” He ran off down the corridor and was out of sight within seconds, I looked over at Niall whose jaw was wide open.

“I didn’t know.” He cried, I shrugged my shoulders.

“I guess whatever you had won’t ever be there again…”

So then, what do you think is going to happen to Niam?!

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Unpredictable (A Niam Horayne Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora