Chapter 6

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Liam's POV:

After around four hours in A&E I was finally able to go home, it turns out I had two broken ribs, a busted lip, a few broken knuckles and a busted eyebrow. My knuckles are all bandaged up as are my ribs, my eyebrow has been stitched and my lip's been cleaned up.

"Do you want me to drop you off back at your home?" Niall asked, helping me into the car.

"Uh... I don't really want to go home, just drop me off at the park or something." He shook his head.

"No Liam, I let you out of my sight for about ten minutes and you got beat up. You need to go home, even if you just go in and straight to bed. Seriously." He scoffed, I rolled my eyes and looked down at the time. 8:30pm, I guess I could get away with going to bed. I clipped my seatbelt in and we began the drive home, it was silent the whole way there. The radio was turned down low and there were a few moans and groans coming from me as I was in pain, when we finally reached my house Niall hopped out and helped me out.

"Now go on, home." He said, before I could say anything in response he hopped back into his car and drove away. I sighed and slowly made my way to my house, when I opened the door I heard my mum shout from the kitchen.

"LIAM, IS THAT YOU?" I steadied myself on the stairs,

"YEAH." I replied, slowly making my way up the stairs.

"I'VE MADE BANGERS AND MASH, DO YOU WANT SOME? IT'S YOUR FAVOURITE." My stomach rumbled loudly as she mentioned bangers and mash, but I didn't want her to see me in the state I'm in.

"NO THANKS, I GOT FOOD WITH NIALL." I lied, she didn't respond so I made a painfully quick dash to my room and slammed the door shut. I carefully removed my clothes and shoved a pair of shorts on, I looked in the mirror and was apalled by the state I was in. My ribs were a horrible purple colour, not to mention my face. My stitches stood out like a sore thumb and my hair was sticking up in all different directions just like Kyles, my hand looked terrible too, but luckily you couldn't see the damage. I shook my head and turned on my heels, I flicked the TV on and slowly clambered into bed. Shuffling uncomfortably, trying to get into a position that didn't hurt. I lay staring up at the ceiling for a while, thinking about Niall and how he'd came to my rescue. He's my hero pretty much, which is amazing. Although he was a little snappy after the visit to the hospital, it wasn't my fault I didn't want to go back to his friends house. They all stared down at me like I was some piece of dirt stuck to the bottom of their shoes, what a nice way to make me feel welcome. I guess I just don't fit in with that lot, they're all really cool and everybody in the school know who they are. I'm just the new kid with the dodgy accent, but I can proudly say one thing, Niall Horan saved my life.

Niall's POV

The next day was a breeze but I really wanted Liam to just stop thanking me for yesterday, I only did what I was supposed to do. I didn't need to save his sorry ass but I couldn't let his mum down. A lot of questions have been asked today, about Liam, but I just shrugged them off. I honestly don't care. Another thing that's getting on my nerves, everybody's saying I'm Liam's hero. I am not. I'm nobody's hero, unless she's an extremely beautiful lady. Then I'm superman. 

"Niall, do you know what happened to Liam? He won't tell his mum." My mum said, rudely interrupting my FIFA game.

"No." I said bluntly, not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Well you obviously know something, you've been watching him all day." She snapped, I rolled my eyes but continued to play my game. Well at least I did until the screen went black and I turned to find my mum holding the plug for the Xbox up in the air,

"You know something Niall, why won't you just say it?" 

"Because I don't know mum. It was probably something in rugby, you know how bad school can get." I said, standing up off my bed.

"I don't believe you." She snarled,

"Well don't then." I ripped the plug from her hand and shoved it back into the plug socket.

"And don't do that again." She sighed deeply and shook her head.

"Well Karen's going to lose sleep over this, I hope you know that." She walked out slamming the door shut behind her. I let out a loud laugh, Liam will end up telling Karen anyway, he's a goody two shoes. My phone vibrated in my pocket, causing me to jump. I pulled it out and sighed, it was Liam.

From : Liam

To : Niall

'Hey, I just want to know how far you are on the poster for our history project?x'

A kiss, really.

From Niall

To: Liam

Same as last time, I haven't done anymore.

Seconds later my phone buzzed,

From: Liam

To: Niall

'Oh, I'm about a quarter of the way through the diary. When do you want to meet up so we can work together?:)x'

Does he not understand that I don't give a shit about this silly little history project.

To : Liam

From : Niall


I smiled five minutes later when there was no response, I guess he was pissed. I laughed a little more and continued with my game.

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