Chapter 13

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Niall’s POV

Id finally got Liam’s bullies out of the way; all I had to do now was find a way to get rid of Liam. It was finally Sunday and I was free from spending time with Liam. As harsh as that sounds I’m really not bothered. This weekend was party weekend meaning that, Josh, our main man, is throwing a massive party at his house. We’re all going to get wasted and its going to be great, whether my parents like it or not. Probably not because we’ve got school tomorrow but that’s the least of my worries. I had a quick shower and began sorting through my clothes, picking up various things then chucking them back down again. I heard a shout from downstairs so I slipped on some jeans and ran down, when I entered the living room I saw my mum smiling at me strangely.

“Why are you shouting?”

“I needed you.” I ran my fingers through my messy hair,

“Why?” She smirked a little,

“You’re going to a party right?” I nodded slowly, wondering where this was going.

“Well I need you to take somebody with you.” At first I stared back confused but then I clicked on.

“No mum, no. I’ve had to put up with him all week! He’s too good for a party!” I moaned,

“Shut up Niall, you’ve barely taken care of him.” I rolled my eyes and looked away,

“Me, your father, and Karen are all going out for a meal so you have to stay with Liam.” I shook my head and began to back out of the room; however I felt two firm hands grab my shoulders.

“You’ll do as your mother says.” I sighed deeply when my dad stood smiling at me.

“Fine.” I snapped, I jogged up the stairs and grabbed the first top I could find. It was a white top with a hat and moustache on. I sprayed some of my David Beckham spray and inhaled the nice smell; I slipped on some shoes and styled my hair into a suitable swept across look.

When I had finally finished getting ready, my parents had just left meaning Liam was down the stairs waiting for me. I ran down the stairs and into the living room, I frowned when I saw Liam dressed in some strange item of clothing.

“What the fuck are you wearing?” I said, staring at what looked like a giant baby grow.

“It’s a onesie.” He said with a smile, I frowned.

“A batman onesie, seriously?” He nodded; I laughed and shook my head.

“Well you’re staying with me and you’re not wearing that.” He frowned at me,

“Why not?” He said sadly,

“We’re going to a party; I’m not letting you go dressed like that.”

“But I don’t want to go to a party.” He whined, I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

“I’m not bothered what you want; you’ve got to stay with me so you’re coming. Now come on, follow me.” I dragged him up the stairs and into my bedroom,

“We need to find something for you to wear, and quick.” He sighed deeply as I threw a pair of light blue jeans and a dark blue top at him.

“Put em on, quickly.” He turned a little red,

“Will you look away?” I laughed and looked out of the window as he began to get changed, however my phone buzzed so I span around, causing him to jump and hide his torso.

“Mate, I’ve seen you topless before. It’s not a big deal.” He slowly lowered his hands and slid on my top, I chucked him some aftershave and he sprayed a bit before giving me it back. I walked over and shoved a little bit of gel in his hair to put it into a quiff,

“Now you’re good to go, come on.” I grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs and out of the house, closely followed by Liam. We arrived at Zayn’s house who was loading up on his fags, Louis handed me a can of lager and I smiled, swigging it delightfully. Harry grabbed a can and handed one to Liam who tried to resist,

“I don’t drink.” He mumbled, we all roared with laughter.

“Loosen up! We’re going to a party, at least have something.” He reluctantly took the can and opened it; he took a quick swig before coughing mentally. I laughed and smiled,

“Easy Liam.” He forced a smile and we began our walk up to Josh’s house.

Liam’s POV

When we arrived at the house there were drunks stumbling everywhere, I dodged them and their vomit and slowly followed the rest of the boys into the house. I noticed a lot of girls all eyeing up Harry who just winked at them and laughed, he literally made them weak at the knees. We continued walking through the house and stopped in a less crowded room; however Zayn continued on and disappeared into a crowd of people. He reappeared about three minutes later with his arm round a girl and a fag dangling from his mouth. I studied the girl carefully; she really wasn’t the type of girl I thought Zayn would go for. She had purple hair that was slightly wavy and fell past her shoulders nicely, deep eyes accompanied by mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow. Two nose piercings which looked extremely painful and a purple dress with black tights. Zayn smiled as they stopped in front of us,

“So lads, this is Katie, the girl I’ve been telling you about.” All the boys nodded at her and I gave her a smile, she smiled back and Harry began to hand out more booze. I rolled my eyes when he dropped a can onto my lap,

“Come on Liam, one more won’t hurt.” But it wasn’t one more, they gave me loads. I just kept pretending to drink them when I actually just swapped them with some of the empty cans lying around. Harry disappeared after a while and began pleasing the girls who were smiling at him earlier; Zayn and Katie were practically sucking each other’s faces off, gross. And niall had wandered off too, leaving me and Louis. However I wasn’t impressed when I saw where Niall had got to, he was smooching with some fake ass blonde. I rolled my eyes when her hand made its way around his body, I didn’t know whether I was jealous or angry.

“You alright mate?” Louis slurred, taking a shot. I nodded my head but continued to watch Niall and the girl, as they leant in to kiss again anger flew through me. I turned away immediately and grabbed a full can and began chugging it,

“Slow down Liam.” Louis laughed; I laughed along and was pleased when Niall came back over to us. Soon joined by the other boys,

“So who’s up for some drinking games?” Harry asked with a smirk, I wanted to say no but Niall had already taken a seat and nodded his head happily. I perched down next to him and stared confused at Louis as he ripped some paper from a notepad and placed it to his mouth.

“You should know what the rules are, you have to pass this to each other using lips only, sucking it obviously,” The whole circle fell into fits of laughter, he shook his head but continued.

“And if you drop it, then you have to kiss the person who dropped it or made you drop it.” My eyes widened when I realised me and Niall would be passing it between us, I think he realised too as he soon began shuffling awkwardly. Louis counted down and the game began.

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