Chapter 7

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Liam’s POV

We were on the last day of the school week and I couldn’t be more relieved in my life, Niall had been acting like a complete arse since the trip to the hospital. During that time I really did think he cared about me, but once again I was wrong. He was just being sympathetic, I guess.

“I’ll see you after school.” My mum said, giving my head a slight kiss, making sure she didn’t touch my stitches. I flashed a fake smile and walked out of my house, once again I met Niall on the corner and we set off for school. I stayed a little behind him; I knew he didn’t want me around him so there was no point in trying. From behind I admired watching his back muscles tighten when he stretches and yawns, he hates early mornings. I slowly traced his body with my eyes; his shirt hung loosely and rose a little when he lifted his arms. Revealing the waistband of his ‘Calvin Klein’ boxers, I felt even happier when I noticed the dimples on his back at the bottom of his spine poking out too. His black trousers hung loosely, his distinct hip bones holding them up nicely. His muscles stuck out loads as he ran his fingers through his luscious blonde hair; Niall is honestly one of the nicest boys I’ve ever met. Maybe not personality wise but definitely looks. He confuses me though, one moment he’s saving my life and looking after me, the next he doesn’t want anything to do with me and ignores me all the time.

“Why are you staring?” Niall asked, staring back at me blankly. I felt my cheeks immediately flush red,

“I’m not.” I replied, turning away. He frowned and stood at the usual area, waiting for us to be joined by Zayn, Louis and Harry. I have to admit, the other boys are very good looking too but Niall stands out the most. Zayn has a quiff that stands up perfectly on his head, it never moves despite the wind and rain. He has deep eyes that melt you and a beautiful smile, his whole body is accompanied by meaningful tattoos. I never understood tattoos but he definitely makes them work, I guess you could say he’s a punk?

Saying that, Louis is too and Harry. Their bodies are covered in various tattoos, some are hard to understand but I guess they mean something to them. Harry has a beautiful mop of curls that hang loosely off his head, and his eyes are an emerald green colour. Louis on the other hand as brown hair that sweeps across his head perfectly and beautiful eyes, not as nice as Niall’s but still beautiful.

“You ready for today?” Zayn asked, as he joins us with a smile plastered on his face. A wide smile grew on Niall’s face too,

“Hell yeah buddy, I’ve been waiting for this for ages. I just had to get my money together.” Harry patted Niall on the back and smiled,

“You might catch up with us, but you’ve got a long way to go.” I frowned in confusion; I honestly have no idea what they’re talking about.

“You thinking of getting one Liam?” Louis asked, spinning on his heels to face me.

“What?” I asked nervously, all the boys laughed.

“A tattoo.” Oh, so that’s what Niall’s getting. I could just imagine Niall as a punk, he’d still be hot.

“Well?” Louis asked as we continued to walk,

“He won’t get one, are you mental. He’s too good.” Niall smirked, I badly wanted to prove him wrong but my mum would go mental if I got one. But Niall might like me more if I look a little punk and less geeky,

“Yeah I might…” I mumble, Zayn lets out a loud laugh.

“So what you going for, a fairy? A heart? A unicorn?” The other boys snorted with laughter but I rolled my eyes,

“I’m not sure yet, what do you recommend?” Zayn’s face dropped,

“Well not them, can we pick a tattoo for you?” Niall looked over at me and smiled, as much as I wanted to say no I couldn’t.

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