Chapter 4

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Liam's POV

The next day came around and I was forced up and out of bed at six, which was ridiculous if you ask me.

"Get a shower; you want to look good on your first day." My mum said, handing me a towel.

"I'm not bothered about what I look like." I confess,

"Well I am, now go on, shower." I entered the bathroom and stripped off before stepping into the warming shower, it soothed my achy muscles that had been strained whilst moving heavy boxes and unpacking. I begin belting out a bit of 'I won't give up' by Jason Mraz, he's a real inspiration to me. I continued to sing until I'd finished my shower and stepped out, grabbing my towel and wrapping it tightly around my waist. I entered by bedroom and shoved my freshly ironed uniform on, my face crumpled when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I looked like a geeky school kid, as I turned my mum came running into my room.

"Good news!" She shouted,


"I just got an email from your school; the uniform they gave you yesterday,you don't need to wear it, something about changing the policies" My face lit up, now I could try and make a good impression by wearing something I was comfortable in. I ripped off my uniform after my mum left and quickly scanned through my clothes, it was half seven already, I only had thirty minutes until I had to leave. I slid on some black skinny jeans and a purple tee, followed by a blue coat. I fluffed my hair and smiled, I looked pretty good. I ran down the stairs and poured myself some coco pops, eating them as quick as I could and returning to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I took another glance at the time, 7:56am. I ran into my room and flung my backpack onto my back,

"Liam are you ready to leave?" I heard my mum say from the bottom of the stairs,

"Yeah I'm coming." I slipped my converse on and ran down the stairs.

"Have fun, good luck." She said, kissing my forehead. I smiled and walked out of the house, as I began walking I noticed a figure stood on the corner. It was Niall; he had dark blue jeans and a grey jumper with a skull on. His hair was partly tucked under a snapback in which was placed on his head delicately, he looked pretty much perfect. I scurried over to him as quick as I could,

"You're good with your time." He said with a smile, I nodded and we began walking. Niall took the lead and I closely followed behind him. After walking through a few posh estates and a small street full of shops we finally stopped, I looked around for the school but there was no sign of it.

Niall's POV
I watched as Liam looked around confused; he began to look a little panicky. Great.

"Don't worry we'll be at school in a minute, I'm just waiting for my friends to come." He nodded his head and continued to look away, I sighed. There was no point in even communicating with him. We were soon joined by Louis, Harry and Zayn. However when they approached us all of their attention fell on Liam, making him shuffle uncomfortably.

"Who's this?" Harry said, cocking his head towards Liam.

"Liam, my mum's friend's son. I've gotta watch him." They all nodded, Liam looked up at them but still didn't say a word.

"He's shy." I said, they all nodded again.

"Alright, let's go." We all began walking and Liam stayed behind us. There was room at the side but he had to be different, of course. Zayn lit up a fag and held it to his mouth, he didn't bother to offer me, Haz or Lou one because we'd just turn him down but he did ask Liam.

"You want one?" Liam shook his head nervously,

"You sure?" Liam nodded.

"Suit yourself." He turned back around and we carried on walking. Having Liam around was already starting to bug me; he's like a little lap dog, constantly on your tail. We finally reached school and Zayn dropped his fag on the floor and stood on it, we pushed through the stupid crowds blocking the gates and made our way to 'our spot'. Liam stopped about a meter away from us and pulled out his timetable, he was frowning and squinting trying to understand it.

"What's up with your friend?" Louis asked, leaning against the wall.

"I don't know, he doesn't talk much. He didn't speak much to me yesterday either." Louis shrugged,

"Guess he's just scared."

"Where's he from?" Harry asked, glancing over at him.

"Wolverhampton, how he ended up in Mullingar I don't know." We all burst out laughing causing Liam to look up anxiously.

"Should I go help him?" I asked, the boys shook their heads.

"That's what the head boy and girl are for, not us." I laughed and turned my back on Liam, the boys did too and we began talking about what to do at the end of the day.

Liam's POV
I found my way to my final two lessons with the help of Mr Perkins, I didn't want to ask him but he was my only option.

"I thought Niall was supposed to be watching you?" Mr Perkins asked as he walked me down to History,

"He is, but he's um... Busy." I spluttered,

"I'll have a word." I shook my head,

"No. No need. Honestly." He raised his eyebrows at me as we stopped outside H1,

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"Alright, enjoy History." He said, before spinning on his heels and walking away. I sighed with relief before pushing open the History room door and walking in, all eyes peered up at me and I felt another wave of anxiety,

"Come in Mr..." The tall thin's man voice trailed off,

"Payne." I mumbled.

"Ah Mr Payne, go and take a seat at the desk at the back by Niall." I looked up before rolling my eyes; he'd been avoiding me all day. I tightened the grip on my bag and walked to the back of the classroom with my head down; I sat down in my seat and wrote my name on the book the teacher, whose name is Mr Fink placed in front of me.

As he began to talk I began to chew on the end of my pen, concentrating as much as I could. I'm fairly good at History so these lessons should be a breeze, after about half an hour of Mr Fink going on about World War 1 he gave us our task.

"Alright class I want you to design a diary from a soldier that has been in the war and a poster to go with it. You'll be working in pairs, there's an even number." He began going round the room pairing people up, I looked to the sides of me. One side was Niall and one was a girl with bouncy ginger curls smiling at me. I lowered my head hoping neither of them was going to be my partner.

"Niall I want you to work with Liam." I watched as his face dropped a little and the ginger girl next to be grunted,

"I can work alone sir it's no problem." I muttered,

"No it's fine Liam. Niall push your desk together with Liam's." He rolled his eyes before shoving his desk into mine, knocking it to the right a little. I shook my head at him and began scribbling down notes for the diary.

"Are you good at drawing?" Niall asked, grabbing some sugar paper for the poster. I shook my head,

"Okay. Well I am, so I'll do the drawing and you do the writing, deal?" I nodded and continued to scribble down more notes; he just sighed and began drawing the outline of a soldier.

Niall's POV
I kept glancing over at Liam's book, the first three pages were full already of ideas for the diary and various mind maps, he's got an extremely active mind. He didn't pay any attention to me until I saw the girl next to him drop a note on his book; he peered up at me before opening it. His face wrinkled in disgust as he read it and then crumpled it up,

"Let me see?" I begged, he reluctantly dropped it into my hand. I opened it up:

'Hey, you're cute wanna meet up? Xxxx'
I let out a little laugh.

"Bit of a beg." I warned Liam,

"Sounds it." He mumbled, wow. First time in school he's answered me. We continued to work on our project all the way up until 3:10pm, the end of the school day.

"We will continue to do this project until the end of term so do bits in your own time as well as class!" Liam stuffed the diary and his book in his bag, before tidying up and grabbing his jacket.

"I'm going over to Zayn's now; you can come if you want." I said to Liam as we left the school gates,

"No thanks, I don't go where I'm not wanted." He plugged his headphones in and began to walk away, I felt a little bad but it was his decision. Each to their own.

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