Chapter 19

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Liam’s POV:

I continued to storm off down the street until I realised what I was doing. Why should I let Niall win? He hates it when I’m around him and his friends so why should I just give in to him and let him have it his way, I pulled my phone out and text Louis.

‘Is it alright if I come back? I just needed to clear my head’

I perched myself on a wall until a response came through,

‘Sure mate’

I smiled and hopped off the wall, getting revenge on Niall was going to be sweet. I walked back to Louis’ house and was greeted by a smiling Louis,

“Glad you came back! Come in, we’re about to watch The Cabin in the Woods.” I nodded my head and he led me into the living room where a disgusted Niall rolled his eyes at my appearance.

“I thought you were going home.” He snapped, I dropped my bag in the corner and shook my head.

“Nope, just wanted to get some air.” I sat down next to Harry and Louis passed around food and drinks. Zayn sat on the opposite side of me and Niall took a seat next to him, Louis sat on the other side of Harry and we began to watch the film.


After seven horror films, three comedies and a Men in Black sequel we finally decided it was time to catch some sleep.

“Zayn switch places with me.” Niall asked, Zayn frowned at him before laughing.


“I’m never at the end on a sleepover.” Zayn shook his head,

“I’m comfy here.” I decided now was my time to really piss him off.

“Shuffle up Zayn, you sleep where I am, Niall moves up and I’ll go on the end.” I noticed the pained look on Niall’s face but before he could say ‘no’ Zayn had already budged up and I was moving.

“I guess you’re just a little bit too scared eh Nialler.” I laughed, even though I was feeling pretty scared myself. Horror films were never my thing but I had to play along to make my plan work.

“No.” He scoffed burying himself into his duvet; I giggled and lay down to go to sleep.

I managed to drift off for a while but a loud clap of thunder woke me, I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 3:14am, I rolled my eyes and rolled over to see if any of the other boys were awake. However I rolled a little far and winced at the thought of squashing Niall, however his bed was empty. I sat up and saw Harry, Louis and Zayn fast asleep. I looked around for Niall when I noticed the kitchen light was on, I slowly got up and crept past the boys, determined not to wake them. When I entered the kitchen Niall was sat at the table with a cup of tea in his hands,

“Why are you awake?” he paid no attention to me and continued to sip his tea, I shook my head and grabbed a bottle of orange juice from the fridge before taking a seat opposite him.

“Why are you?” He replied, I sighed.

“The thunder woke me.” I was waiting for him to roar with laughter but instead he nodded.

“Me too.” I tilted my head a little, if I was at home I’d probably go downstairs and turn the light on, make hot chocolate and hide in my duvet whilst watching Batman hoping the thunder would go away. That’s because I’m scared of thunder, so what’s Niall’s excuse?

“Why are you here?” He asked bluntly,

“Because Louis invited me.” I replied, taking a sip of my orange juice.

“So, if he invited you to jump off a bridge I’m sure you wouldn’t accept.”

“If it would get me away from you I would.” My eyes widened when I realised what I just blurted out, before I could say anything else he stood up and stood by the window looking outside. I slightly regretted saying what I did because I love being around Niall, as much as I hate it. I finished my drink and dropped the bottle in the bin before going back to my bed; I lay flat on my back and stared up at the ceiling which had all of a sudden become interesting as Niall entered the room. He made no effort to be quiet and dropped down next to me; he lay flat on his back as did I and stared at the ceiling just like me. I noticed his head turn a little to me so I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep, I heard him sigh and turn over. Was it something I did? Never mind I shouldn’t be bothered. I kept my eyes close and suddenly felt a lot more sleepier, however just before I dropped off to sleep I felt a hand touching mine, but I didn’t open my eyes to check, I really needed to go back to sleep before anything else happened.

*THE NEXT MORNING* (still Liam's POV)

I woke up to Zayn and Louis jumping around the living room like mental people, dancing to some dubstep rubbish. I wiped my eyes and sat up before stretching, I noticed Niall was no longer next to me, he was sat on the sofa yet again drinking a cup of tea. Harry was still fast asleep, I stood up and Louis smirked at me.

"I'm gonna wake him up." He opened his arms and jumped straight onto Harry, Harry clutched himself in pain and Louis laughed loudly.

"Come on mate, get up." We all got drinks and sat round the TV as Louis blasted his music, which caused the house to shake. He lowered it as we spoke,

"What do you lot want to do today?"

"Liam probably needs to go home and iron his underwear." Niall laughed, the boys giggled a little.

"How would you know whether my underwear is ironed or not?" I noticed Niall going slightly embarrassed and the boys laughed a lot louder now.

"I was thinking we could go swimming, we haven't been in a while?" Harry suggested, all the boys nodded, even Niall.

"You coming too Liam?"

"I can't swim very well." I confessed,

"Neither can I, I spend a lot of time sat out, in the shallow end or in the baby pool." Zayn laughed,

"It's true." Harry added. I nodded my head,

"Sure, why not." Everybody smiled except Niall who clearly didn't want me joining in on their group activities, but I just shrugged it off.

"So, we'll all get our stuff together and meet at Acers park yeah?" Louis said, finishing his tea. We all nodded,

"Niall, you bring Liam. Harry and me will walk up and Zayn you live right next to the park so you don't need company." We changed into our clothes and began our walk back, we all split off in different directions and I walked fairly close to Niall.

"Meet me back here in fifteen minutes, no later." Niall ordered before leaving me on the corner and going to his house, I sighed at how demanding he was but ran into my house and packed my bag.

"Liam, where are you going?" My mum asked,

"Swimming with the boys." I smiled, she smiled too.

"It's nice to see you having fun with your friends." I nodded and she handed me a magazine.

"I saw it had Batman in, I don't know if its any good but still." I thanked her with a hug and looked at the time.

"Right mum I need to go, I'll see you later." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and met up with Niall on the corner. We met up with the rest of the boys and we set off for swimming. Topless Niall was heading right my way.

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