Chapter 15

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Liam’s POV

I woke up to the sound of a gate slamming, I looked around confused before I realised I was still lay in Niall’s front garden. I sat up and spotted Niall falling up the path leading to the front door; I shook my head as he pulled the handle multiple times, confused with why it wouldn’t open.

“Liam!” He cheered when he spotted me; I rolled my eyes and got up. He stumbled over to me and guffawed loudly, I shook my head at how drunk he was. To be honest, it was disappointing that he let himself get into that state.

“I… I can’t.” He burped before continuing,

“I can’t find my key.”

“Where did you last have it?” I asked, slightly agitated that it was late and we had no way of getting inside. Also with the fact my mum wasn’t home yet.

“In my pocket.”

“Fine, I’ll search you.” I said, noticing he was in an unfit state to do it himself. I checked all of his pockets, finding nothing until I reached the bum pockets. He chuckled to himself and I grabbed the key before staring blankly at him,

“You touched my bum.” He whispered before roaring with laughter, I kept a straight face and walked up to the front door and unlocking it. I held the door open and let Niall inside before following myself; I shut the door behind us and helped Niall with removing his shoes. It was going well until he stood up and tripped over them, landing face down on the floor. I helped him up and escorted him upstairs to his room, considering I was at his house a lot I knew my way around pretty well. I sat him on the end of his bed however he didn’t stay sat up for long, he fell backwards and lay on his bed. I found some clothes for him to change into and began the struggle of getting him changed, it took a while and a lot of patience but I ended up doing it.

“Thank you.” He slurred, I smiled and pulled back his covers before helping him into bed. As I went to step away I felt his arm pull me back,

“Don’t leave me.” He said, as his eyes slowly closed.

“Niall, you don’t want me here.” I said abruptly,

“I do, lie with me.” I knew it was the drunken side of him talking and I didn’t want to let him get to me, not again.

“No Niall, it’s not the right time.” I tried to pull away but his grip got harder.

“I wanna hold you, wanna hold you tight.” He sang as he laughed, I tried not to laugh but I let out a little giggle.

“No Niall.” He yanked me back and I landed next to him, he rested his head on my shoulder.

“Niall, you’re going to hate this when you’re sober. Trust me, just let go of me and I’ll go sleep downstairs until my mum’s home. Niall?” I looked down but he was already asleep, I rolled my eyes and tried to slide away but Niall’s body weight was too much. He weighed a lot when he slept. I lay motionless, staring up at his white ceiling. I tried to ignore the fact I was lying with the boy I love but it didn’t work very well. I just wanted to cuddle up to him and whisper that I loved him, but if I did that I’d become more attached to him. It’s not good wanting something you can’t have, I quickly realised that tonight at the party after I saw him with that girl. No doubt they’ll hook up soon. That hurts inside, knowing that this is probably the only intimate moment I’ll ever have with Niall. I looked down at Niall’s beautiful face; he looked so cute when he’s sleeping. I slowly stroked over his hair and a smile crept onto his face, I knew he was still asleep so I didn’t pull away. I admired his chest slowly rising and falling, he looked so precious, like one tiny move would break him. I smiled at him before closing my eyes, hoping that tomorrow I’d wake up before him, I didn’t fancy having to tell him what happened last night.

Unpredictable (A Niam Horayne Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora