Chapter 29

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Niall’s POV

I sat on the floor with my head in my hands, letting Liam go was a stupid mistake and I regret it now. I really do, I spoke to Zayn about everything and he talked me through how I was feeling. Turns out I really do like Liam, bit stupid how I couldn’t figure it out myself but it was confusing. I’d never liked a boy before, especially not such an innocent one like Liam. I always thought I was into girls, but they never gave me the same feeling as Liam did. There was something about him that made me tingle; he made me smile as much as I didn’t want to. We argued and I used to enjoy it, but now it just tears me apart. And to think he’s quite happily packed up and moved to Australia is the worst possible thing, did he really not care about me? I heard footsteps approaching me and looked up, a huge smile grew on my face but a shocked look grew on theirs.

“What are you doing here?” Karen asked, I ran my fingers through my messy hair.

“Liam’s friends told me he was moving here, and I thought I’d come and see him…” She rolled her eyes and took a seat next to me,

“Niall, can I ask you something?” I turned and nodded,


“Do you love my son?” Shit, maybe not anything.

“What makes you think that?” She sighed,

“Well we moved from Australia because of a boy playing with his feelings, and it seems he didn’t tell you he was moving but told everybody else. So I’m guessing you’re the reason he left.” My heart sunk when she finished talking,

“I didn’t mean for things to turn out this way. At first I thought he was nothing to me, but it turned out he was. And on the night when you were at the takeaway, I saw the two boys who were in their after. They told me about Liam even though they promised Liam they wouldn’t because they knew there was something between us, even I knew by then. So I booked the quickest flight here and got the address from my mum, now I’m just waiting to see him.”

“I don’t want him hurt again Niall, he came out here to get away from the drama and you’ve just brought it back with you. I’m not sure if it’s best that you see him.” I shrugged my shoulders,

“I’m sorry Karen, but I’m in love with your son. I want him to know that before we never see each other again, as much as it will pain me to not be with him, I at least want him to know how I feel.” She rubbed my back,

“Alright, I’ll go out for a bit, he should be coming home soon. Stay here and wait.” I thanked her and she walked away, back up the street and round the corner. I sat tapping my feet on the floor waiting for Liam to show, I still couldn’t believe I’d come all this way for him. But if I love him he needs to know, right?

Roughly ten minutes later I heard footsteps approaching me, I hoped it wasn’t Karen again but I couldn’t tell very well because it was quite dark. I smiled when I saw it was Liam, he was oblivious to the fact I was sat on his doorstep. He was too busy looking down at something in his hands, he stopped in front of me and I slowly lifted myself up. He looked up and put the key out before stopping and widening his eyes, his jaw dropped and he gasped.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?” My eyes widened, gosh.

“Liam calm down.” I snapped, he stepped back away from me and threw his hands up in the air.

“Niall what the fuck? You hate me, I hate you. Can you just go home, I don’t care that you’re here. Fuck off.” He barged past me and opened the front door, he went to shut it but I put my foot in the way and pushed the door open. He scoffed and walked into his living room, I followed him shutting the door behind me.

“Look Liam, I really need to talk to you.”

“I don’t want to hear it.” He said placing the key on its hook and dropping onto the sofa, I slowly sat down on a chair.

“Please Liam, just hear me out. Once I’ve said it I’ll go, I promise.” He sighed deeply but nodded,

“Fine, go on.” I cleared my throat,

“I know how much of a dick I’ve been to you and I regret every single thing I’ve done. When I first met you I never knew that I’d fall in love with you, I always thought I’d have a princess in my life. Turns out I want a prince, well you. My prince. Anyway, I tried my best to get you away from me because feelings I never knew I had were beginning to develop and to be honest I was scared. I never knew I’d fall for you, ever. That’s why I kept kissing you; I needed to know if we were right for each other. I was pissed with Zayn when he disturbed us and I said a load of stupid things that I regretted straight away. Especially when you heard me. I don’t hate you Liam, I was angry. I didn’t know what I was feeling at that point, I was crazy to let you go. That’s why as soon as Louis and Harry told me you were flying out here, I had to come and see you.” He sat up,

“They told you?” I nodded,

“They told me about their little friends with benefits thing first, so it was fair or something. But I didn’t want you to leave, I cried on the plane all the way here. I cried almost every second when I wasn’t with you because I love you Liam, I do.” We both fell silent for a few minutes; all you could hear was the waves outside. Minutes later he sat up and walked over to me,

“I love you too Niall.” I smiled and he pulled me into a hug, I held him tight and couldn’t help but smile. I loved having him in my arms; he pulled away and looked at the ground. I took his hand in mine,

“What’s wrong?”

“I live here now Niall… we can’t be together.” He sniffled, my heart just broke.

“You can come back Liam, cant you?” he shook his head.

“I promised mum this was what I wanted.” I let my tears fall; I had to leave the love of my life in Australia, perfect. We lay in each other’s arms and talked about everything until Liam’s mum came home; she walked in, saw us and smiled.

“Mum I-“Liam began; she shook her head and sat down.

“I already know Liam; as much as I’m probably going to regret this I want you to be happy okay.” He nodded,

“I’ve got our house back in Ireland, but I’ve got new furniture for it. You can decide where we live, here or there. No matter what we still have the other house, we’ll live in one and use the other as a holiday home.” I felt him squeeze my hand,

“You need to make a decision where you want to live. It’s here or there? If it’s there you need to pack very quickly.” He looked at me and kissed me softly,

“I choose there.” I felt my heart melt and I wrapped my arms around him, I truly would be lost without him. He’s so perfect. He grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs,

“Help me pack?” I nodded and we packed his stuff quickly, his mum copied and before we knew it we were making our way to the airport. He turned his back on Australia and took my hand as we stepped back on the plane for Ireland, the perfect place for the perfect two.

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