Chapter 4: I Will Do It For You

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"Cameron, it's time to wake up,"Nash said kissing my temple.

"Since when do I have to wake up early," I said putting a pillow over my head.

"You have to go to the doctor," he said.

I opened my eyes, and I immediately froze. He knows I hate the doctors, why do I have to go. I am healthy-ish. Anyway, I rolled over and curl up into a ball. He shook me again, but I did not budge. He went on the other side of me, facing me, and try to push me out. I laugh at his efforts trying to move me. He then pushes the hair out his face and sighed at his failed attempts to move me.

He then rolls me over and sat on my waist. He leaned over, inches from my face. He takes both of my hands and intertwined our fingers. He then looks back at me, with his soft hair ticking my face. I look into his blue eyes that were darker than usual. He leans in and kisses my nose.

"Please Cameron, do it for your wellbeing," he said as he kissed my jawline.

"No," I whined.

He then kissed down to my neck. I look up at the ceiling and let out a shaky breath. I squeezed his hands when he found my sweet spot. He giggles when I whimper under his touch. He stopped suddenly and looked at me. I was such in a fog that I felt like I am in heaven.

"Come on Cammie, for me," he said in an innocent voice.

"For you, I will do anything," I said as he was slipping away from me.

He gave me a smirk and left the room. Then I realized what I agreed to, and I groan in defeat. How does he do it? How does he always make me do activities I do not want to do? That is Nash for you, always a mystery, but I am not complaining, I like the unexpected.

I finish putting on my clothes and walked downstairs. My arms started to itch and I was desperate to scratch them. I tried to ignore it as I was walking closer to Nash. I started rubbing my arms rapidly trying to take the itch away, but it only made it worst.

"Cameron, put your arms at your sides and let us go to the doctor," he said calmly.

I did as he instructed, I put my arms at my sides and walked outside. I sat in the passenger's seat and curl up in a ball, leaning my head against the window. Nash then came in, on the passenger side. He took one of my hands and held it tightly, stroking the back of my hand with his thumb. I look up at him and smile faintly.

"You know I love you, right?" He asked leaning over towards me.

"Yes," I said voice cracking.

"You know I want what is best for you, correct?" He asked smiling.

"Uh hum," I hummed as I yawned after.

He ruffled my hair, put the key in the ignition, and drives off. Since I was tired, I instantly fell asleep, having mostly nightmares. How Nash would one day leave me, fall out of love with me, or even worse he will be murdered. Nash woke me up four times during the trip to calm me down. I just could not think of anything joyful at the moment.

Finally we arrive there and I was completely terrified when I read the sign, Los Angeles Therapists, shining in  the door way. Going to the doctors is one thing, but going to a therapist to talk about what goes on in my head is whole different subculture. I do not care if I have to walk home I am not going in.

"Nash, I am not going to a therapist," I stated.

"Cameron, I want you to help you, they want to help you, just go in there and tell the doctor what has been going on," he said lip quivering,"Because I do not want to have to come home one day and see you dangling from a ceiling." 

"No baby, do not say that," I said hugging him,"I will do it for you."

"Okay," he said sniffling,"Let us go in."

We step out of the car and walk into the waiting room. I see people that are dancing around the room, others shaking like leaves, and some that look paranoid. We sat down in the corner of the room where no one could bother us and sat there until my name is called.

"Cameron Dallas," a nurse called.

I stood up and walked towards her. She smiled at me and greet me friendly. The nurse was thick and short. Her skin was white as snow, but her hair was black as the night sky. Her eyes were hazel, and her nail polish matched. She was wearing purple scrubs and those with nurse shoes.

She directed me to a room, that looked more like an office. She opened the door and sat me down on this soft couch. She made me fill out some paper work, when I was done I handed it back to her. She look at me with some concern in those hazel eyes. She sat down in the stool in front of me.

"You look nervous," she said.

No, shit, Sherlock.

"Do not worry everything is going to be fine," she said smiling,"Mr. Rupp is a nice doctor, he will not judge in any shape or form, he will see you shortly."

She then left the room, leaving me with my thoughts. I am going to be interrogated by yet another person. He is probably going to think I am a psychopath, like what Nash thinks of me, and send me away to an asylum. I would not be surprised. I twiddled my thumbs waiting for this so called doctor to appear, probably scared to see another freak like me.

He finally comes in and he smiles this bright smile that lights up the whole room. He was oddly young to be honest. He has tanned skin, chocolate brown hair, and blueish green eyes that look like two apatites. He was good looking, I guess.

"Okay, Mr. Dallas, let us begin," he stated as he went behind his desk.

And this is the part where my life implodes into a million pieces.

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