Chapter 19: Appecting Reality

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I walk through the gate and soon I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. As I walking I heard soft laughter all around me, like children that are trying to hide. I kept walking as the sweet laughter fills my ears, it was not forced or psychotic, but real joy being expressed.

I kept walking towards the light once I entered it was all white at first, but then I see a huge tree sprinkling its leaves onto the ground. I see the sun peaking through the trees. I look up at the tree and I see our treehouse. I see a little acorn dangling in the breeze. Then a little squirrel climbing the branch to have little nut. From so much bouncing around, the acorn finally fell off the tree landing softly of the leaves.

There was a little well, but there was no bucket. I look around and see the bucket in the treehouse. I went to where the ladder was, the ladder was old and broken. I rolled my eyes and tried to grab a branch or something to pull me up. I finally find one and pulled myself up. I found some more branches until I was at the top. I was grabbed the bucket and look out to the forest.

I forgot how much I love being out here, in my own little castle where I can actually be myself. I look down and gripped the bars tightly, beginning to cry. I look up at the sky and see the sun, feeling it's warmth hitting my face. I then had to go back down, so I climbed down and went back to the well.

I put the bucket in the well and head over the acorn. I splash some water on the acorn and it instantly grew vines wrapping it around the stone and a little pink flower formed on the top. I then burst into tears and sank down to the ground. I knelt in front of the stone and read out the words.

"Hamilton Nash Grier, born December 8th, 1997," I said sobbing,"D-Died November 20th, 2016, death of s-suicide, this is all m-my fault."

"It did not say homicide, now did it?" A voice said.

I turned around and it was Nash, but how? I did not care I could see him and that is all that matter. I went to hug him, but I went through him. He turned around and gave me a little shrug. I begin to shake and sank back to the ground. He came over to me and sat in front of me.

"Hey, hey look at me, it is alright," he said reassuring,"This is not your fault, I did this to myself, not you, it was my decision."

"I wish I could hold you," I said balling,"I wish I could of done something, I wish I could go back."

"Cameron," he said smiling,"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift that is why they call it the present, you lived in the past for two years, you need to move on, you need to let me go."

"I can not, it hurts too much," I said with sad eyes.

"Cameron, I can rest in peace until you let me go, is that not what you want?" He asked,"All I want you is to let go of the pain."

"Letting go of you is pain for me," I said wanting to hold him.

"You have been the darkness of the past for too long, let the light of the future shine through," he said looking like he wanted to hold my hands.

He look back behind him and then I could feel his touch. I hugged me tightly, I screamed into his shoulder, I squeezed him taking in his warmth. He lifted my head and I kissed his lips passionately, remembering my sweet taste. He stepped back and looked me over.

"I will never forget you, I will tell everyone about our times together, and cry every time," I said looking at him.

He smiled at me, remembering me to that beautiful smile. He told me to follow him and I followed his instructions. I was out of the woods, and the sun was going down. We headed towards the cliff looking out at the hills. We stood next to each other and watch the sunset.

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked breaking eye contact from the sunset.

"Our paths will cross again when your time on this earth is done," He said smiling.

He faded out of existence, out my life, but not forever. I look down and heard my phone ring. As I was feeling around in my pocket, I felt something drop, I look down and it was a little necklace with a note attached to it. I open the note and read smiling at the writing.

You always tell to always be joyful, but I have my very own motto I want you to live by and past on the your kids. If you are ever in the dark, you have the stars to light the sky. So I will be in the stars to watch over you.


The necklace was a little star and I put the necklace around my neck. I was walking back and my phone started to ring again. I looked at it and it was Shawn. I was confused, why would he want to call me? I answered it and all I heard at first was heavy breathing.

"Shawn?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Hey Cam, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I feel better, why?" I asked.

"Oh that is great, so I was wondering if you want to go out sometime, if that is okay with you, I-" he said about to ramble on, but I cut him off.

"Shawn, quit rambling, I would love to go, whenever you are free is fine with me," I said as I look at the necklace.

"So tonight at seven?" he asked nervously.

"Perfect, I will see you then, Shawnie," I said smiling.

I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. As much as I hate accepting that Nash is gone for a while. I am glad that our paths will cross when my time on this earth is up. So for now when it is ever dark I will always follow the star, my star, Nash.

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