Chapter 16: Anger

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He put his head back on and stepped into the cold darkness until I see only his head.

"Oh Cameron, soon you will know why," he said grinning once more,"So beautiful yet so oblivious to all of this."

I will find you, Nash, one way or another, I promise you that.

I walk through the darkness and I came upon a door. I tried to open it, but it was locked. I tried to look around for a key, then suddenly I heard voice, but they were calm.

Is this him?

It must be.

He did say that he was the one wants the beauty back.

He does not understand, does he?

"Please do you know where Nash is?" I asked pleading.

He will never find the beauty. He is too weak.

Yes, he is too frail to go on.

"I am not weak!" I shouted.

He is angered, his heart broken more.

He is showing weakness.

What a shame he will never have his beauty back.

"Where is Nash?!" I asked once more.

The poor boy is angry, but weak.

I am done hearing that word, the word I refuse to think about. I look down, wanting to break something to prove to them I am not weak. I search for something there were more voices telling I am weak and should turn back. I grow even more angry as they say that I am broken and weak, which I am not. I look around some more, looking for both something to break and a key.

Turn back now, boy. You will never find the one you seek.

"Weak, am I?!" I screamed,"I will show you."

I then see a wooden box next to me. I feel my anger starting to bubble and a tiny flames started to grow. I tried to run it apart, but I realized I need something stronger than my hands. I look around and I see a crowbar. I grab the box with both hands and held it above my head. With much force, I started to hit the wooden box. As that one disappears another box shows up and I started to demolish it.

So very angry like a volcano about to erupt. How pitiful trying to act like he is okay. He is so weak.

I hold back the read that welling up inside of me. I am not going to crack. I am angry, I am broken, but soon will be fixed when I have my angel in my arms. To hug him, kiss him, and never let my beauty go. To adopt kids, watch them grow up as we grow old together. Hearing Nash's voice as he needs help with standing up. I soon become even more angry when the voices grew louder.

You are a weak fag!

I screamed in the top of my lungs and slammed the crowbar into the box and shards of wood flying everywhere. Dust fills the air while I was destroying the box. I needed break someone like that zombie man, I will do anything to have my angel back. Anger started pooling out as I struck the box, listening to all the words they were saying. They think I'm weak, I should turn back, and many others that were muffled, so I could not hear properly. I feel sick just listening to them.

His anger is at its peak.

He will not do any damage, he too broken.

The anger is still raising. He can not grasp it, can he?

He could of saved his beauty, if only he have not left him in the dust.

I needed to smash another jacket like someone's head. I can not do this, I can hold the hurt anymore, just then the scars on my arms were enhanced. I felt more pain, than I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I lifted up my shirt exposing other enhanced scars. They felt like I just cut through them. The pain only worsened as the time passed on.

Wow, he is that weak, what pity.

His anger hit new levels, and he is even more broken than before.

" I am not weak!" I shouted as I felt pain once again.

Only someone who is weak minded and lost control would do this to themselves.

I take the crowbar and started smashing the door, wanting to move forward. I am not going to sit here and listen to this. I miss him so much. The yelling, the pain, the anger welling up inside of me is all too much. I scream once more, so loudly that the ground shook. It was a long, loud, and powerful scream. I hear the voices trying to be louder than my scream, but they could not be.

The door crumbled down and I was about to move when he came into the door frame, smiling back at me. I picked up the crowbar and hit him in his reattach able head. The head flew off and look at him, no mercy was shown in my eyes I can tell you that right now.

I smashed his body and it shattered like glass. Then he disappeared, like my patience. I hear his psychotic laugh from behind me. So I turned around and there he was, standing a few feet back, just staring back at me with a huge grin on his face. He walked through me again and stood in the door frame again, snapped his fingers, and disappeared.

His angry subsides.

He is more calm.

Yes, the angry boy is calm.

I put the crowbar down and I moving closer to the door. I hear a voice beckoning to me to come forth. I was tempted to go in, but still have this deep-rooted fear that something will happen. That I will ruin my chance to save him. Dead silence is all I heard, just my over-active heartbeat and breathing. I shook my head and walk through the door.

I am coming for you, Nash.

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