Chapter 13: I Knew It

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Before we start I just want to say I'm sorry....

I was laying comfortably in my bed as Nash was clinging onto me sleeping. He snuggled his head into my chest and put his one leg in between both of my legs. I smiled at that beautiful sight and I was about to go back into my peaceful slumber when I heard a knock at the door and I was about to go answer it when Nash pulled him self closer to me and whimpered.

"Nash, I have to go answer the door," I said whispering in my ear.

"Tell them to come back later," he whined.

I was about to leave it when they knocked even louder. I groaned and slowly remove Nash from me. I stood and walked to the door, not before putting on pants just in case. I look through the peep hole, seeing Kian with a handful of whip cream or shaving cream and Jc ready to film it with my phone.

I rolled my eyes, went into the bathroom, and found some shaving cream. I squirted it in my hand and open the door, hiding behind the door. I hear giggling and footsteps coming into the room. I roll my eyes, waiting for the perfect time to whack Kian.

"Cameron, Nash, where are you?" Kian asked giggling.

Thank goodness that Nash was tired because if he would to answer back then I would be in trouble. They walk in more and the door shut behind them. Kian then saw Nash and smirked to himself. I then snuck behind Kian and whacked him upside the head. He then turned around, trying to slap me back, but I dodged it and Kian hit Jc.

"Nice try boys, but you can not prank the king," I said cockily.

They look discouraged and left the room. Just then Nash's eyes flutter open and innocently looked up at me. He was so precious, like a little puppy looking up at you. I sat down at the eye of the bed and started to pet his hair. He smiled and sign closing his eyes again. I see his sleeve was pulled up seeing the old scars that he made when he found out. Reminded by that, I kissed his temple and ruffle his hair.

I decided to bring breakfast up for him, so I stood up and walked to the door. I felt my phone buzz, I groaned and pulled it out of my pocket. It was from Kian, he wanted me to help him with a video. I roll my eyes and I go to his room. It made sure it was no a prank when they opened the door, and thank goodness there was not.

"So what do you need help with?" I asked Kian.

"I need ketchup, ranch, and vinegar for this particular video," he said counting on his fingers.

"Gross, that's all the condiments I hate," I said disgusted.

"Exactly,"he said smirking.

I roll my eyes and went on with this. Kian, Jc, and I went downstairs and out to their car. They had the radio blasted which scared us so badly. As much as I did not want to leave, I need to give Nash some space because I have been really clingy. We go to this store and that was about an hour away when we clearly past fifty stores before. I put my shades down and waited until we found a parking space.

"Alrighty, let's do this," Kian said walking in.

We walk in and tried to avoid any teenage girl and boy because we just want to go in and out. I want to see Nash as soon as I can. I walked into the condiments aisle and I see all the gross substance side by side, making me cringe. Kian takes them off of the shelf, puts them into the basket, and we walk to the register. The teenage girl actually recognized us and almost started to freak out when we calmed her down.

"I am really sorry I almost freaked out on you," the girl said bagging the items,"As you can tell I am a really big fan."

"It is fine, you are really cute," I said smiling,"What is your name, lovely?"

"Paige, it is not a very extraordinary name," she said frowning.

"It is a beautiful name, here I will show you," I said looking it up.

I showed her my phone and her face immediately after turned red. She looked up and me with tears in her eyes. She gave the phone back to me and she asked if she could hug me. Of course I said yes and I cradle her in my arms. I hear her sniffling and I look into her eyes, wiping her tears away with my thumb.

"You are even beautiful when you cry," I said as she as shaking.

"T-Thank you Cameron," she said wiping her eyes,"You did not just made my day, but my entire life."

"You know me trying to make everyone smile," I said grabbing the bags from her,"By the way do have any social media sites?"

"Yes, here I will right them down," she said quickly finding a pen and writing them down.

"Be sure to check your Twitter later," I said as we was walking out of the store.

I felt so overjoyed that I not only made someone's day, but life. I did not know I have such a huge impact on a person just by talking to them. Kian and Jc were fooling around with me the whole way home about it. We when up the stairs and because we were informed that the elevator was broken, so I had to carry everything while Kian and Jc were on their phones.

I dropped the items off and we started the video. It was the Guess that Tweet video and the consequences were to eat all three condiments. After about ten minutes of almost throwing up, I was free to leave. Once I near my room I hear noises and not just any noises, sexual noises were erupting from Nash and my room. I was not thrilled to see what was on the other side of that door.

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