Chapter 10: Thin Walls

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I was hugging Johnson for about five minutes while he was balling his eyes out. He was like a little kitten sticking to my side and gripping onto my shirt. He looked up at me and I took off his fogged up glasses. I wiped his tears away with his thumb and put a hand through his hair. Then I heard a door open and Nash entered the room.

"What the fuck happened in here?" He said walking over the glass,"Jack, why are you crying?"

I enlighten Nash of the past events that happened and he was immediately horrified. I think it was time to start looking for him. So Johnson, Nash, and I tried to look for him. We was checked all the floors, we talked to boys, but they did not see him either. Suddenly, Johnson groans very loudly.

"Uh, I am such a fucking idiot," he said slapping his forehead.

He then sprinted down the hall, threw the door open, and look down the stairs . I ran after him as well almost tripping down the stairs. He ran into the lobby and ran into the bar. Johnson was talking into the bartender and he ran back upstairs. I ran back up many flights of stairs until we arrive at the roof. Johnson stood there frozen when he saw Gilinsky sitting towards edge of the roof.

"Jack, do not even think about it!" Johnson screamed out.

"Do not even think about taking another step!" He said standing up.

"Jack, look at me, please do not do this," Johnson said starting to cry,"I will not be able to live without you because I love you Jack."

"I bet you do not mean it," he said in disbelief,"Not in the way I feel about you."

Johnson walked over to the ledge and pull himself up, standing in front of Gilinsky. Johnson looks into his eyes and smiled, taking both of his hands. Johnson then leaned up and connected to his lips. Johnson put his arms around his neck and Gilinsky puts his hands around his waist.

"Now do you believe me," he said giggling,"If you still want to jump then I will go with you because I want to be with you dead or alive."

Gilinsky turn towards me and jumped down from the ledge, helping Johnson down. I grabbed one of his arm and put over my shoulder. Johnson did the same and we all walked down the stairs. He was kept saying Johnson that he was sorry and that he will never do anything like that ever again.

We finally walked to the door and entered our floor. We walk down the long hallway to their room. Johnson took out his room key and opened the door. He put him onto the bed, as he curled up into a ball. Johnson sat by him and started petting his hair. He sat up and looked into Johnson's grey eyes. His eyes flickered from Johnson's eyes to his lips, then he finally connected them. I decided to leave Jolinsky alone.

I went back to my room and saw Nash was on his phone frantically pacing around the room. As soon as the door close, he looked up and walked towards me. He starts rambling on about who knows what. I kissed his lips and he immediately relaxed. We sat down on the bed and calmed him down more by petting his hair.

"Please tell me that you found Gilinsky because everyone and their grandmother is freaking out," he said trying to stay calm.

Before I could answer, I hear moaning and groaning coming from the next room. I started to giggle because Nash was so confused on why I was laughing so hard. The walls were paper thin so I bet you people are going to complain like they care.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked laughing hysterically.

"Jolinsky is real?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yep, very real," I said giggling.

"Well, it's about mother-fucking time," he said laughing with me,"Remember when we were like that?"

"How can I not, I even have the marks to prove it," I said pulling down my shirt showing him the hickeys.

He giggles and kisses my lips sweetly. It turned into something, and we started to add a little bit of tongue. I look licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth. I took in his sweet taste of strawberry candy. He was very much enjoying this because I hear a few moans slip out during the time.

Unfortunately, we had to stop for two reasons: first, we need oxygen and second, there was a knock at the door. We disconnected and I went to answer the door. Alex was at the door, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Dude, can you tell the Jacks to keep it down?" He asked starting to yawn again,"I hear people complaining and from all around me."

"Well why did you not knock on the Jacks door?" I asked confused.

"They were told me to come back later," he said scratching the back of his neck,"Well actually Gilinsky told me to fuck off and leave us the fuck alone."

"I will be sure to tell them to keep the noise down," I said reassuring them.

"Good, because I just heard someone calling the front desk and demanded them to be kicked out," he said biting his lip.

"Alright, I will tell them, you can go back to whatever you were doing before," I said smiling faintly.

"Thanks man, it is great to see you after so long," he said starting to leave.

"Yeah, I will see you tomorrow," I said shutting the door.

I then walk back to Nash who was smirking this very evil smirk. It was both scaring me, but also turning me on. He leaned over and started kissing me again. His hands found my butt and he squeezed it which made me gasp. He giggled at my reaction and was about to get into it more, but I stopped him.

Because of this paper thin walls, we can not go any further until we are safe in our own house with walls as thick as bricks.

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