Chapter 7: The Plauge

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I look up at the ceiling, knowing that I am going to have to pack for Digitour. I look into my dark closet, hearing my alarm clock go off. Nash climbed on top of me and kissed my cheek. I look up at him and smiled. I put a hand through his locks of hair, seeing more of his beautiful face. His blue eyes spark in the morning sun, it was truly breathtaking.

"So are you ready to go?" He asked full of light.

"Can we not stay in bed for a little longer?" I asked whining.

"Babe, we have to leave soon," he said kissing my forehead,"Now, I already packed your clothes and mine, so just try to make yourself look like you are alive."

"At least on Halloween, I do not have to put on a ton of makeup," I said sitting up,"I can just enhance my face a little."

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked worried,"I know you are still recovering and--"

"Nash," I said cutting him off,"I need to leave the house more often anyway, besides I do not want you going alone."

I smirk which made Nash blush. I look at the time on the clock and it was 5:58 in the morning. I groan at how early it was, Nash helped me out of bed and made me take a shower. He shuts the door and I take my phone out of my pocket and put on Spotify.

I then undress myself and step in the shower. The feeling of the warm water hit my yanking back is truly relaxing. I start humming to the beat of the music while putting shampoo in my hair. I then heard the toilet being flushed and cold water going down my back.

"Nash, you ass,!"I yelled peaking my head out.

"On the bright side, you are awake now," he said smiling.

"Thank you for that and to repay you for that good deed, I am going to give you something," I said smirking evilly.

He was about to run, but I pulled him back and into the shower. He squirmed and he squealed trying to escape the cold water, but it was no use. He looked you at me and I planted a sweet kiss on his lips. He looked at my eyes then my lips and put another kiss in my lips, deepen it quickly. I put a hand through his now wet hair and pull him more. We pulled away because unfortunately we needed oxygen.

"You know I think I will take a shower with you," he said blushing.

He left my grasp and stripped down to nothing. I tried to keep my eyes up, but there were a few times I glance down. He went behind me and grabbed the soap and started washing my back. I felt this tingling feeling down my spine.
I shivered at the feeling and he giggled at my reaction to his touch. I turn my head and kissed his lips.

We finished showering and we went to the closet to find clothes. When we were dressed, we grabbed our suitcases that Nash already packed and headed downstairs. We were looking forward to see everyone especially the fans. Anyhow, Nash ate breakfast while I packed the car. I sat and the car and start looking through my Twitter feed.

@jackkjohnson: @jackgilinsky and I are ready to see you all. Miss my boys... I can't wait to see you guys See you in Dallas 👌🏻👌🏻

I smile at that and waited in the car for Nash. A few moments later, Nash came out and walk into the car. When he looked at me, his cheeks had a bright shade of pink, he was spaced-out, and he was all giggly. He was humming a song that could not recognized. In other words he was oddly joyful.

"Nash, may I ask why you are so joyful?" I asked smiling at the lovely state he is in.

"I am just happy that you are out and about," he said smiling,"I am just overjoyed that you are feeling better, I love Cammie."

"I love you too, Nashy," I said kissing his cheek.

We started driving and Nash turned on the radio, and Shawn's angelic voice flooded our ears. Nash and I sang, more like yelled the song and dancing in our seats. I miss Shawn, even though he was very quiet, he was and still very talented. I wish he was around because he was the real life of the party.

Nash and I finally arrived at the airport and we went to the desk to measure the bags. Then the people at the front desk put it one the conveyer belt. We then fixed our backpacks and head toward security. I put my backpack on the belt and walked through the gate. An officer pulled me aside and pat me down. He grabbed my butt and lightly squeeze it. I jumped a little at the feeling, he looked out at me and smirked deviously.

"You can go ahead, Cameron," he said chuckling.

"T-Thanks," I said then was speed walking away.

I met up with Nash and we grabbed our bags and walked to our gate. I felt like someone was following me. I know there are other people behind us, but this uncomfortable feeling that someone was going to something to me is very unnerving. I then sneak a peek of who was behind me. I then realize who it was, someone that has been in my life for as long as I can remember. They brought life to me, but killed me as well. They just stood there just twenty steps behind me, smirking deviously. I clasp Nash's hand to put me at ease, but I feel their haunting presence as they walk closer. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around scared to look at Satan himself.

"Hey Cameron," they said smiling brightly.

"Hi," I said blankly,"Long time not see."

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