Chapter 9: Jolinsky Forever

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Traffic, the honking horns, moving inch by inch, and having people poison your ears with their vulgar language. It basically brings out the worst in people, even me. I will be so frustrated that I will tell with the idiots as well, which is never the right thing to do obviously. I just remember that Nash is in the car and I do not want to wake my angel up.

Traffic started to clear up and we finally exited that highway. I followed the GPS's instructions and we finally arrive at the hotel where everyone is staying at. I look at the time on my phone and it was 9:35 when we arrived. I know people would bound to be out and about especially the fans so I texted Johnson who was also part of this to help me with my bags.

I see Johnson walk out of the front door. He was were a white t-shirt, gray sweatpants, and his glasses. His hair was all messy and his eyes were bloodshot, looking like he was crying. He rubbed his eyes and faintly smiled at me. He brushed past me and took out the heavy bags. I took one of them and went to wake up my sleeping beauty.

"I swear he is part cat," he said in a raspy voice,"I mean even I sleep less than him."

"Johnson, you do not even sleep," I said sounding kind of defensive.

"Touché," He said laughing,"Anyway, when we put this away, can I talk to you alone?" 

"Sure, what's up man?" I asked now concerned.

"The sky, but if you want to know what is going on, it's kind between Jack and me," he said putting a hand through his hair,"Some messed up shit went down and I do not know how to even explain half of it."

"Okay, you can tell me more after I handle some messed up shit of my own," I said pointing to Nash.

Johnson laughed as I open to car door. I whisper in his ear that we are here and that he needs to wake up. He groans and puts the blanket over his head. I went under the blanket and kissed his lips. His eyes fluttered open and look into mine. He smiled and put a hand through my hair. I pulled the blanket off of us and help him up. Johnson and I walked the bags up as Nash brought our carry-ons.

We made sure no girls were around or we would be screwed. We walked up the elevator and went inside. I pressed the button then the doors close. We went up and it was a comfortable silence. The doors re-opened and we stepped out, heading to our room. It was 291, which was right next to Johnson and Gilinsky's room 290. We put our bags in the room and Nash immediately jumped onto the bed and fell asleep. Johnson and I then walked next door to his room.

Once we opened the door, the place was already trashed. Food splattered all over the walls, broken glass on the floor, and furniture tipped over. I was in shock because Jack and Jack are very civilized, so I doubt that it was them who made the mess. We walk further in the room and I see one word written in black marker above both of their beds.

"Jolinsky, forever," I said reading the word.

It was almost like that was Johnson's trigger word because he broke down in tears. He sank down to the ground into the broken glass and sobbed. I stood him up and led him to the bed. He curled up into a ball and cried his eyes out. He covered his eyes with his psalms. This is actually the first time I have seen Johnson cry, he has always been this high-spirited person that would never be sad, but here he is creating two waterfalls of tears.

"How could I be so fucking blind?"
He asked whispering.

"What do you mean?" I asked rubbing his back.

If you sing that song one more time, a fairy will die, and it will cause One Direction to break up. So if you still do it then man you are heartless.

"H-He... I can not even utter those words," he said looking up from his hands.

"What?" I asked now curious.

"Jack l- damn it, he lo-, fuck," he said rubbing his eyes,"He fucking loves me, there I said it."

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked politely and he nodded.



For the past year Gilinsky has been acting very weird lately. He become very distant from me, he will be in his room all day, but will go to the bar all night. He will come home drunk which scares me. This is not like him to ever do this. I do not know why he has turn to this, but this needs to stop today. Gilinsky and I are going to Digitour, right he is not setting a great example at all.

As soon as we arrive at the hotel, I was reunited with some of the guys. While I was greeting everyone, Gilinsky brings the bags upstairs to our room. When I was talking my boys, Sam and Skate, I go up to find Gilinsky. While I was heading up there Jack was walking out of our room.

"Oh no, you are not leaving to get fucking drunk," I said grabbing onto his arm.

"Johnson, last time I checked, you are not my parent, so why are you acting like one?" He asked sassing me.

Okay, two thing are going through Johnson's mind: one, that Gilinsky does not know who he is messing with and two, Gilinsky knows damn well that Johnson is going win this sass off.

"Because there is a child that needs to be disciplined," I said crossing my arms,"You need to get your ass back in that hotel room!"

He rolls his eyes and walks back into the hotel room. I do not care if everyone on this floor complained that we are too loud, Gilinsky's well being is more important to me. I sit him down on the bed and stood in front of him. He put a hand through his hair and stated to become anxious. He started mumbling incoherent thoughts that I made me worry. He stood up and grabbed my shirt.

"I love you Jack, I can not take it anymore!" He screamed in my face,"There I said it!"

He started to laugh like a manic, pushed me down to the floor. He started breaking glasses, flipping furniture and took a sharpie out of his pocket. He wrote Jolinsky forever, laughs once again that psychoactive laugh and ran out of the room. He was sober, so I had to mean it.

Jack Finnegan Gilinsky loves me.

All I could remember is that psychotic laugh echoing in my ears as I stared at those two words.

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