Chapter 11: Interruptions

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I felt sick just watching this happen. Once again, here I am, crying in our room for the four time this week. Nash was being kissed on the lips and it sickens me so much. I am dying to do something, but I am reminded that Nash will hate me if I did. So I keep my mouth shut until I arrive at my hotel.

"Cameron, come out," I heard a small voice said.

"I-If I do t-then you w-will h-hate for being o-out," I said crying more.

"Cameron, quit playing around," he said jiggling the doorknob,"Please open the door."

I can hear the sadness in his voice, so I did as he asked. He first looked around the room, then knelt down, and hugged me. He was cried his eyes out as he squeezed me, digging his nails into my back. When we let go, I took a bold move, cupping my hands around his face and kissed his lips. He kissed back which made me go into it more.

"These lips are my property," I said smiling,"I am the only ones that can kissed them."

He giggles and was about to reconnected, but we heard a knock at the door. I rolled my eyes and went to go answer it. I was very much annoyed with this person who is interrupting my one loving moment with my angel. I answered the door and it was both of the Jacks, only Johnson was being carrying by Gilinsky.

"Why is J--?" I asked before Johnson cut me off.

"My legs hurt," he said looking at Gilinsky who is blushing like crazy.

"What do you guys want, not being rude, but I have something that is kind of important," I said whispering the last part.

"We need your advice," Gilinsky said.

"Alright let us talk in your room," I said walking to their room.

When we arrived it was cleaner then the last time, but not clean in general. I sat down in a chair as they sat in the unmade bed. Johnson was wincing in pain and moving very slowly. I giggled at the sight, not because I like seeing him hurt, but because I am thinking on why he is moving so slow is what makes me laugh. They snuggle into each other and their faces went from red to ghostly white.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked in a raspy tone.

"We need advice....," Johnson said timidly,"We want to come out of the closet, but we are worried about all the hate."

"Jack, do even see the amount of shit you guys receive?" I asked,"So what do you have to lose, if the fans do not like it, then fine at least they know, it is bullshit to have to suppress your feelings just so you can be accepted."

"You are right, thanks for the advice," They said in unison.

They hugged me and Gilinsky took out his phone and I see him open up Twitter. They both look at each other and nodded their heads. Gilinsky picked up the phone and smashed his lips against Johnson's. I heard a click and they disconnected. They look at the photo and smiled.

"Do you want to go through with this?" Gilinsky asked nervously.

Johnson smiled, pecked his lips, then nodded. Gilinsky started to type and took a few moments before pressing the send button. I then go onto Twitter and see the top trending hashtag on Twitter, #JOLINSKYISREAL. I was so happy that I started to giggle. I look out at them and they were terrified to look at their phones.

"You might want to look at this," I said smiling.

They slowly pick up their phones and open Twitter. Their scares faces turned into joyful tears streaming down their faces. They hugged me tight, thanking me for my advice. I then left them so they can start their new life out of the closet.

Nash was not in this bed, but sitting in a chair, in front of the balcony door. I was confused on why he was sitting in front of the balcony. He was not on his phone, and he was not sleeping. It was almost like he was actually paying attention to everything around him finally. I walk in front of him and he was staring blankly beyond me like I was transparent. He had tears in his eyes while he was in his own little world. I tapped him and he jumped. He looked into my eyes and started to cry more.

"Why am I so stupid?" He asked putting his hands into his face.

"Nash, you are far from stupid," I said rubbing his back.

"I have not been paying attention to you this whole trip and I have been neglecting you and I am so sorry," he balled,"I am a huge mess, I do not know why you are with me."

"Because I love you and we are both huge messes, so you have nothing to be ashamed of," I said kneeling down,"So cut the bullshit and kiss me."

He giggled through his tears, pecked my lips, and he was about to stand up, but I pulled him back. He was confused on why I pulled him back. I pulled him close and smirked this evil smirk.

"You think that is all I deserve for ignoring me for so long," I whispered in his ear.

He shuttered at my words and looked into my eyes once again. He leaned in and pecked my lips, then slowly started to go into it more. My hands found his waist and as his arms found my neck. We move in sync and fit together like a puzzle. I bite his bottom lip which made him gasp and mange to sneak my tongue into his mouth. I heard a knock at the door which made me so annoyed. We let go and I answered the door. It was Alex again looking at his phone, but looked up when I answered.

"The guys were wondering if you and Nash want to come by Brent and my room to play truth or dare," he said plainly.

"We will be there in a few," I said smiling.

I shut the door in his face, went back to Nash, and started to head to Alex and Brent's room.

Even though there are many interruptions, but at least I can go back to Nash.

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