Chapter 17: Please, I Will Do Anything

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I put the crowbar down and I moved closer to the door. I hear a voice beckoning to me to come forth. I was tempted to go in, but still have this deep-rooted fear that something will happen. That I will ruin my chance to save him. Dead silence is all I heard, just my over-active heartbeat and breathing. I shook my head and walk through the door.

I am coming for you, Nash.

I open the door, walked at least two steps, and fell into a hole. I look around to see if there was anything that I could pull myself up. I then see a little vine, so I grabbed onto it, but it was almost like it retracted into the dirt wall. I finally found a branch to pull me up, but the frail branch broke off. I looked some more wondering if there was anything else that I could use to help me up to the surface. I then see another vine and I grab onto it. Suddenly I heard a mumbling coming from the surface.

How dares awaken me?

"I, Cameron Dallas," I said timidly,"I need to find my husband, but first can you help me out of this hole?"

That is not what you need, would you prefer some time?

Suddenly, I felt myself sinking into the dirt. Right now the mud has consumed me about ankle high. I become nervous because this could be the end for me. I tried to break free, but I started to sink more. I scream for help, but the man would not listen.

"Please help me!" I squeal,"I need to find him I do not have time for this."

But I just effort you some. Are you refusing my help?

"No, I am not," I said annoyed,"That is just not what I  asked for."

Oh Cameron, you are asking for all the wrong things.

"Well what should I asked for?" I asked becoming more annoyed.

Just enough to be reasonable.

I was about knee deep in the mud. I was pleaded for him, bargaining with him, trying to help me out. I would do anything to have my love back with me. I hear him talking in riddles that I did not understand. I want my angel back, I will do anything, why do he not take advantage of this order? I made more bargains with him, thinking of ways that he could help me.

"Please, just help me out," I pleaded,"I cannot move my feet."

Moving will not help. Where would you go?

"I need to find Nash!" I yelled becoming impatient.

Your feet will not help you find him. He is in a place where your feet can not go.

"I'll find him, just help me!" I pleaded.

Such certainty. Even though the person is already gone. 

"Stop saying that, I will bring him back,"I said shaking my head,"I just need help, I will give anything."

Cameron, who will you bargain with? What was taken has been grounded into dust and blown away. Dust to Dust.

"No, please why do you not understand that I will do anything to have him back!" I scream as I sank lower.

You need to move on with out him.

"I need him, what do you not understand?!" I yelled.

What you need is to stop bargaining and let go of him.

I begin to cry not wanting to let go. I need him, I crave him, I want him back in my life. I do not know why he wants me to let go of someone I love, it is never worth it. I lost my mom, then my loving dad, and now they want me to let go of the one ounce of happiness I have left. Why does he not understand? I love him, I need him, I can not just let go of him. Nash is like a balloon, if I let go he will fly away never to be seen again. My happiness will fly away like the balloon. I want to hold onto him as tight as I can.

I begin to break down in tears. If only I went back, if only I did not make a complete fool out of myself, I bet it was not even his fault. Why do I have to be so blind. I will do anything to see him. I wish that I could turn back the clock and start all over again.

I wish that I could just make amends with him. I wish I could show him that I will always be there for him. Why did I not stay? I was not good enough for him. I was never good enough for him. No wonder why he left me. I wish to show him that I am worthy enough for him, but I am not. I can not even have him back because he is too good for me. I will sell everything I have. I will sell my organs if I have to. I will sell what is left of my soul to the devil himself. I will do whatever it takes to have him back in my arms.

I sank more into the mud, it was about at my waist and I am the most nervous I have ever been in my entire life. I was confused and scared. Is this how my life is going to end, slowly sinking in hole full of mud that will eat you alive? I want my baby back in my arms. I want him by my side. It was no use I can not bargain with him. All I feel is this great sadness, more like depression. It is my fault I could of save him, but I did not. None of this would of happened if I went back for him.

Dust to Dust.

I sank down in the mud. I felt my whole body just give out if only I could of saved him. If only I could of done something that could of change the man's mind. I would give or do anything to have my angel back in my arms, finally feeling loved again.

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