A small girl's tale

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It was a warm summer's night where there was no wind blowing, though it was just the correct temperature to be outside and go to the park. The full moon's ray was focused on the small town of Sebastopol, and a couple were in the hospital; this was the most interesting thing that has happened there for a while now. Jake and Samantha were in the hospital, the creators of something interesting in that little town.

Samantha was giving birth to a baby girl, their first and supposed last child. It was a beautiful moment after the screams of pain when Zebina was born. (Zebina is Greek for 'One who is gifted'). The couple held and snuggled their newborn, lovingly. Though, that didn't last.

Samantha fell ill from the loss of blood, so she stayed in the hospital while Jake took care of the baby. Every few moments, neighbors and people came over to see Zebina. It wasn't peaches and cream for Jake, though. Zebina wanted to see the woman she had seen again; Samantha.

It was five days later when Samantha finally got out of the hospital and returned home to help take care of Zebina. It was peaceful and quiet when Jake went to work and Samantha stayed home to take care of their child. This went on until Zebina's first birthday.

Her birthday was exciting, all the neighbor's children came over and they had such a blast. There was tea parties, a clown and a mime. Face painting and other activities. Samantha and Jake were talking to a few other adults thinking Zebina was playing with her friends, though she was with another grown up.

He was a single father of a little boy, his name was Tyler. Tyler wasn't the best of people, since he had a bad past of jail records and other things. Tyler had taken Zebina into a dark place, and did terrible things. Zebina ran screaming and crying to her parents right as Tyler grabbed his son and left. Zebina told her parents all about it and they dismissed it as just a scary daydream.

When the party was over, Zebina did the best she can to take her mind off it and help take down the decorations. Hours later, when Zebina was asleep she tossed and turned, crying in her sleep having nightmares about the other day. When Zebina woke up, she woke up to her parents laughing and making breakfast. Her mother looked to Zebina helping her into her chair as she spoke in a soft voice.

"Would you like something to eat, sweety?"

Zebina rubbed her droopy eyes, as she yawned still waking up as she nodded. So, Samantha walked back to the stove, cooking Zebina a smiley face pancake and put sugar on it before serving the pancake to Zebina. Zebina picked up her hello kitty fork, and nibbled on small bites. Her parents were speaking to each other, trading news as Jake shuffled through the mail.

When Zebina finished her food, she pushed the plate forward. Samantha and Jake loooked to their daughter when Jake spoke in a voice, you'd think he'd have.

"Zebina, sweety, you're going to have a baby sitter when mommy and daddy are working."

Zebina tilted her head, blinking as they brought a picture of the female that was going to take care of her. She was wearing a hat, a plain black long sleved shirt and black skinny jeans. She didn't have any shoes on at all, her pale skin was in war with her piercing green eyes as her red lips seemed to be stained in a smile. Zebina hopped around, cheering that she liked this girl.

"Maddy, tell me a story?" Zebina asked in a high, tired voice.

Madison nodded and began telling a tale of a dog who lost its way, soon after Zebina drifted off to sleep and continued to smile, not having anymore nightmares. Madison soon drifted off to sleep after, when she was woken up by Samantha and Jake returning home and thanking Madison, giving her twenty dollars. Madison smiled and disappeared into the night as she walked to her own home.

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