Fatal Obsession

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I remember it like it was yesterday, my 18th birthday, the day my life flipped upside down. Everything was going great in my life; I was healthy, had a beautiful girlfriend, supportive parents, graduating at the top of my class. I'll never forget what happened that dreary night. I had just graduated a few hours before and had headed to a party afterwards. My girlfriend decided to tag along.

At the party, we interacted with friends and embraced the moment. The air smelled of alcohol and marijuana smoke. My girlfriend tapped me on the shoulder and gestured for us to head upstairs. I was puzzled as she had an odd look about her face, a look as if something were wrong. We entered the first open bedroom and closed the door. As I turned to lock it, I noticed her sitting on the bed with a lost look in her eyes.

"Babe, what's wrong..?" I muttered.

She looked up and her eyes were flushed with tears, her once rosy cheeks had been erased of all color. A faint whimper came from her now stiff body. Carefully sitting beside her, I leaned in to find out what was wrong.

"Are you feeling-" my question cut short as she shoved me off the bed. Her tears had now shifted into a sinister laughter. A hint of worry crossed my mind. This was no longer the girl I had fallen in love with, but a demon possessing the shell of who she was.

She stood over me as I scuttled as quickly as I could to the door.

"What the fuck are you..?" I mumbled beneath my breath. Her eyes had now become void of all color and consumed with a shadow of rage and evil.

"I am your worst fucking nightmare." A deep demonic growl spilled from her mouth.

I quickly thought of the only thing I could do: knock her over and attempt to overpower her. As quickly as I thought it, the action was done. She collapsed to the floor and I held her down with all my weight and strength. The only way I thought I could end this nightmare was to suffocate the life out of the demon. My hands clenched around the throat tighter than a bolt holding something in place. Arms flailing in a wild motion, I could feel the demon forfeiting her body back.

As I removed my hands, I turned to hear the door crash against the wall and see two larger guys standing in the doorway.

"Dude, what did you do to her..?" one of them said among the other gasping bystanders.

I was suddenly confused until I looked down at the sight of my lifeless girlfriend beneath me.

"We heard screaming and a bunch of noise." someone said.

"Somebody call 9-1-1!" another voice echoed out in the hallway. My hands began to tremble at the thought of what I just did.

"No, she transformed into a demon...I was trying to protect her from it..." I shouted as two police officers escorted me out of the home. They carefully sat me in the back of the squad car and we drove off into the night.

Now I sit here all alone in my cushioned white room with a single window. Not a day passes with that haunting memory. I sit here alone, restrained and visualize what the outside world is like from the only light source. Tomorrow I will be turning 78 and the next day I will still remain locked away in this asylum. I shall remain here as long as that demon still roams the Earth.

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