A Day to Remember

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I remember a day so horrible I do not want to talk about it. But, I must speak about it. I have to get this weight off my chest, it was and still will be, the worst day of my life.

Descriptions of everybody I seen at the time: Amy is a tall dark brown haired 15 year old female, who enjoys lots of things, is shy but is not as shy as I am, an also is tanned but not so tanned but, also enjoys a lot of TV and games but, at the same time also enjoys talking to friends. I, Cylin, am a dark brown haired person, at the age of thirteen who enjoys the achromatic colors, (White, gray, and black) so I decided to wear a white t-shirt with white jeans at the time of the abduction, and for getting revenge I wore black hoodie with dark shoes with dark jeans. I am also really shy, but, I will not describe Amy's friend or the police though since they were not seen much by my own eyes.

It started off as an ordinary day, my friend Amy and I walking down a street in Nevada talking about things that happened in school when we had a weird conversation.

Amy: Cylin mind if we stop at a friend's house I am sure our parents will not mind.

Me: Um, sure I guess.

I always considered myself a shy person, but, after I tell you all of this I probably will not ever talk about this or to anyone again.

We went into Amy's friend's house, and we stayed there for about 2 hours, and I was being ignored, I enjoyed every second of it, because I do not like to talk to people I do not know much. But then Amy, decided to include me into the conversation.

Amy: Cylin, is something wrong? You seem a little more silent than usual.

Me: Nothing is wrong it's just that...I feel uneasy.

Amy: About what?

Me: Being ar-

I stopped talking. I wasn't going to say another word. I was scared. I started tearing up, I am sure Amy, and her friend thought I was stupid for that but they didn't realize how scared I actually was. I dashed down the street full speed ahead then I bumped into someone.

?: Watch it!

Me: Sorry sir!

?: The name is Gage.

Me: Oh...sorry Gage, I will just be g-

Gage: Get back here you street rat, I didn't say you could leave!

Me: But-

Gage: No buts, you are coming with me, I will make kids like you have more respect!

Me: Stop!

Gage: Make me!

He dragged me into a alley, then, he grabbed something, and hit me in the face with it knocking the wind out of me, and blurring my vision. After that it all faded to black.

I woke up hours later in a building with a gash in my face bleeding, I was crying hard hoping someone would help. Gage, walked in with what looked like a knife.

Gage: Shut up kid, it's useless, you're gonna die here. And, if you do not shut up, I will make your death more painful than what it should be. Now time to see what I could do to you.

I tried getting up, but, then I noticed my hands and legs were tied to each other making it impossible for me to free myself.

Gage: Here kid, you will be my knife rack for now.

He stabbed the knife into my shin, I yelled and cried in such pain I have never felt before, when suddenly I heard police sirens going off. the guy hurried up, and took his knife from my leg which made me yell even louder. He then dumped gasoline on the ground, and threw a match then he ran off. People were rushing to the scene, hoping there were not anyone in there. But there was...and it was me. By that time, Amy, and her friend were at the building seeing the fire, calling the fire department. After they retrieved me, I was in such horrible shape, from what looked liked like several blows from a pipe to the head and legs and right shoulder, that I didn't think I could of been rushed to the hospital any faster.

You probably thought after I recovered the story was over. But it wasn't. A few days after, I was healed a little bit I grabbed my book bag, and put a steel rod in it. I was gonna hunt down Gage, and I was gonna make him feel great pain.

I sat in the alley, in a garbage can after the garbage truck came of course just to be smart. Then, that's when I seen Gage with someone. It was Amy.

I put on my hood and bandana, and jumped out of the trash can with the pipe, and Gage looked at me.

Gage:Who are you?

Me:I am the person who will stop you!

I slammed the pipe on his head with full might, but all that caused was him to stumble back and hit the wall behind him dazed. I didn't hit him hard enough.

I grabbed the garbage can lid, and bashed him in the face with it. I then grabbed my pipe and put the lid over Gage's dazed face, and hit the lid with my pipe. I removed the lid, to see him unconscious and bleeding. I was relieved.

I pulled out my cellphone, and dialed the police.

Operator: 911, what's your emergency?

Me: I just caught a criminal, he was getting ready to hurt a female in a alley off main street. I would know he was going hurt her, because, I was a victim to Gage.

Operator: We are sending a officer now.

After the police officer got there, I had disbanded the weapons and the bandana.

Officer: You are a hero kid, I bet the victim feels that way to.

Me:Officer wait, I think I know this person!

I felt something grab me. It was Gage.

Gage: I don't go down that easy!

Gage pulled out a gun, and had shot Amy in the back, and the officer in the leg. The officer went to safety and called for back up, Gage went to shoot Amy again but I intercepted and took the shot. He shot me in my right shoulder, the shoulder he bashed with the pipe.

I screamed, but with anger I kicked him in the face, then I kicked his gun hand, which hadn't done anything. He aimed at my face, and I stood there, but then I pulled out a weapon I never threw out. My shard of stained glass. I ran, and jumped from boxes onto a trashcan and then dived behind the trashcan where Amy was at. I dragged her behind it, and started whispering to her, things like 'It's okay you won't die...I won't let it happen' until Gage, came around, and I stabbed his gun hand with the shard, he dropped his gun.

I grabbed the gun from the ground, took the clip out of it making sure I deposited the bullets for evidence, then I turned the gun around, and slammed it into his face. He stumbled over. By then the back up came, and seized the man who I now had known to be a psychopath.

I cried, and hugged Amy, after giving the items to the police, and hoped help for her survival would arrive soon. I wished, I could of been in the same ambulance as Amy, so I could of known if she was okay, but I wasn't since I was shot also. But, after my recovery Amy was still in the hospital for she had a worse wound than I did. Every day after I would visit her and think, 'I should of been there to help more...'.

Epilogue Amy is scared for life, and so am I, about this and she is still recovering, but I still visit her, they say that she may need help to do some things, but I made a promise to myself to help more, so I help her in things that are simple that she can't do because of her wound. Sometimes, I wish, I could forget that day, and I am sure Amy too is thinking about it. I suppose, something as terrifying to witness as this has a moral: Stand up for people if they are being hurt and good things may come out of it.

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