The Banshee Footage

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My team had recently discovered a video camera containing a V.H.S. in the Catacombs beneath the city of Paris. We were ready to watch and analyze the footage, and when my colleague, Matt, popped the V.H.S into the VCR, we were ready to watch it.

The screen was fuzzy, like the black and white you would see on television if your antenna isn't getting a good connection. Alicia pressed a button on the VCR to rewind it. When the 'STOP' button appeared, we pressed play.

A date on the screen read: MAR 4 1996. The camera was behind a man who squeezed himself through a gap in the wall, to get to the next room. The person holding the camera squeezed him/herself through too. It was dark in this next room, but the man must've reached over to grab something because an outline of his hand reached out for something.

Suddenly, a lantern could be seen dangling on his arm. The two amateur explorers continued on through the Catacombs. They walked down a stairway when the camera person dropped the camera. The screaming sounded like a woman's voice.

"James!" she cried. "HELP ME! JAMES!" Her screaming seemed to get quieter until it was no longer heard. Right now, the man-James-wasn't in the shot because the camera was pointed to a rock piled on a stair ledge.

Something then knocked the camera over, and the next shot showed a blurry image of the camera being thrust forward a few doubt the man running. The almost-damaged tape switched back to the stair ledge. This time, the camera was pointed at Jame's legs. He was sobbing for the next 40 seconds when a screech could be heard from the lower level.

Stair ledges creaked as it was obvious someone was walking up the stair very slowly to the man. He backed up until the camera then showed what was behind him. The staircase that goes on in a spiral shape. The creaking grew louder. At its loudest point, the camera was knocked sideways revealing the dark stone ceiling.

James screamed and the screen flickered to images of skull piles and bones. Namely the humerus.

I could barely make out a figure of a woman in front of James, who was now laying down, sobbing. She was wearing a white dress. The woman began to cachinnate. Then she disappeared, the camera kept rolling for the next 40 minutes until the film ran out.

I have no idea where the tape is now. It's probably lost, but a copy was made. I will upload it online soon.

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